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First Student Led Developer Conference at UT Austin Fills the House

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Posted by Staci R Norman on Wednesday, February 12, 2014

by Staff - Feb 12, 2014 | Techzette

The first annual University of MAD (Mobile App. Development organization) was packed to capacity this passed Friday and Saturday. The 15-hour bootcamp-style event was hosted at the University of Texas at Austin’s Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall.

“The event went perfectly,” said President Comyar Zaheri. “We were nervous about putting things together, but the turnout was great.”

According to Zaheri, approximately 1/4 of the UT computer science department (580 people) signed up for the event, however only 300 attendees were allowed inside the building at a time.

The overnight bootcamp was free and provided attendees with an overview of basic mobile, web, and cloud technologies through training sessions led by industry professionals.

Learn more about uMAD

See the full Techzette article for event photos.