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Texas CSB Students Earn President’s Leadership Awards

Posted by Staci R Norman on Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Benjamin Mathew on left and Chris Wang on right

The President’s Leadership Awards were created in 1985 with an endowment from past Texas Exes president Frank Denius.

These awards recognize undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership within the student community at The University of Texas. One sophomore, two juniors and three seniors receive the award annually. This year, two Texas Honors Computer Science and Business (Texas CSB) are among the recipients.


Benjamin Mathew

Major: Canfield Business Honors; Computer Science Honors

At the top of Benjamin Mathew’s list is helping his fellow Longhorn. A talented programmer and business mind, Mathew has used his gifts as a mentor and guide on the Forty Acres during his first two years on campus. As project manager for Texas Product Engineering Organization, he develops curriculum in conjunction with other club leaders to teach new fellows product management fundamentals. Still only a sophomore, Mathew has already made a name for himself, developing the Austin Product Conference, where he led a team that booked a successful event filled with industry thought-leaders from Slack, Facebook, and Airbnb. Because he wants to enhance the UT student experience, as freshman representative for Computer Science and Business Association, he organized collaborative events between the CSBA and Turing Scholars Program and solicited and presented student feedback to program directors.

Additional activities: intramural basketball point guard; Product@TX fellow.


Chris Wang

Majors: Business Honors; Computer Science Honors

Chris Wang is a Forty Acres Scholar from Houston who stands out even among a crowded field of talented peers. A gifted programmer and ardent leader, Wang earned coveted internships at UBS and was selected as a student leader in the Accenture program. On campus, Wang is the Vice President of Corporate Relations for Texas Computer Science and Business Association, where they expanded corporate partnerships by more than 300 percent and club funding by more than 240 percent. This elected position is just one example of Wang’s commitment to the ongoing success of Texas student organizations, the admiration of their cohort, and their call to lead.

Additional activities: Business, Unraveled podcast production director and co-host; Genesis deal flow analyst; Honors Business Association vice president.

Cross-posted excerpt from Texas Exes.