Fifty Years after Sci-Fi’s “2001,” Rethinking Our Relationship with AI
04/03/2018 - UT College of Natural Sciences News | Esther R Robards-Forbes
04/03/2018 - UT College of Natural Sciences News | Esther R Robards-Forbes
10/06/2017 - UTCS professor Peter Stone was interviewed as part of a documentary called Digital Transformation: Visions of Nations, Companies, and People, a film exploring the future of technology through interviews with entrepreneurs, futurists, scientists and more.
04/05/2017 - UTCS Assistant Professor Scott Niekum has known he wanted to study artificial intelligence since he was 19 years old. As an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University, he rode the bus an hour each way to get to his internship. To pass the time, he read Douglas Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach, a book that explores, among other topics, artificial intelligence and the emergence of consciousness.
09/22/2016 - By David Holley, Xconomy
09/01/2016 - Original article: CNS News | By Marc AirhartA panel of academic and industrial thinkers has looked ahead to 2030 to forecast how advances in artificial intelligence (AI) might affect life in a typical North American city — in areas diverse as transportation, healthcare and education — and spur discussion of how to ensure the safe, fair and beneficial development of these rapidly emerging technologies.
09/01/2016 - Source: CNS News | By Marc Airhart
03/09/2016 - AlphaGo, a program that plays what many consider the most difficult of board games, Go, has just won the first of five matches against the world's top human player. The series is scheduled to continue through March 12. Developed by Google's DeepMind subsidiary, AlphaGo has already beaten the European Go champion. A few days before the latest competition, we asked Risto Miikkulainen, an artificial intelligence researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, for his thoughts on this historic contest.
08/17/2015 - AUSTIN (KXAN) – A computer science professor at the University of Texas at Austin stopped by KXAN to talk about his research on computer gaming and the human brain. Dr. Risto Miikkulainen is studying the brain to figure out how it works and translate that knowledge to making better computer games.
07/24/2015 - The Austin Villa Robot Soccer Team participated in two competitions in the RoboCup 2015 competition in Hefei, China: the Standard Platform League (SPL) and the 3D simulation league.
07/15/2015 - Should we heed the warnings of movies such as ‘Terminator Genisys’ and the TV show ‘Humans’?