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Artificial Intelligence

A.I. Expert Weighs in on Historic Computer vs. Human Contest

03/09/2016 - AlphaGo, a program that plays what many consider the most difficult of board games, Go, has just won the first of five matches against the world's top human player. The series is scheduled to continue through March 12. Developed by Google's DeepMind subsidiary, AlphaGo has already beaten the European Go champion. A few days before the latest competition, we asked Risto Miikkulainen, an artificial intelligence researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, for his thoughts on this historic contest.

UT professor puts computer game research in context of “Pixels”

08/17/2015 - AUSTIN (KXAN) – A computer science professor at the University of Texas at Austin stopped by KXAN to talk about his research on computer gaming and the human brain. Dr. Risto Miikkulainen is studying the brain to figure out how it works and translate that knowledge to making better computer games.

UT Austin Villa Wins RoboCup 2015

07/24/2015 - The Austin Villa Robot Soccer Team participated in two competitions in the RoboCup 2015 competition in Hefei, China: the Standard Platform League (SPL) and the 3D simulation league.

Self-driving Cars Are Right Around the Corner; Then What?

07/21/2014 - It is easy to envision autonomous cars as simply allowing drivers to safely multitask while “driving” — that they will be otherwise quite similar to today’s cars on today’s roads. However, much bigger changes are ahead, and it won’t be long before we no longer remember what life was like when cars had steering wheels.

Meet Two Robot-Programming Sophomores

05/02/2014 - Two computer science sophomores are using the skills they gained in the Freshman Research Initiative to program flying robots and show them off to other students on campus. Robert Lynch and Matt Broussard, who were both involved in the Autonomous Intelligent Robotics FRI stream run by Dr. Peter Stone, had different ways of arriving in computer science but say research has enriched their undergraduate experience more than anything else.

Peter Stone Can't Get Enough Of Robots Playing Soccer

01/15/2014 - Professor Peter Stone spoke with Joe Palca this morning on NPR's Morning Edition about taking his "passion for soccer into the lab" in a segment aptly titled "Peter Stone Can't Get Enough Of Robots Playing Soccer."

To Make Intersections Smarter, We Need Cars To Be Smarter, Too

01/08/2014 - Kurt Dresne, one of Professor Peter Stone's former UT Computer Science graduate student spoke with NPR's Robert Siegel recently about his thesis research on autonomous intersection management in a segment called "To Make Intersections Smarter, We Need Cars To Be Smarter, Too."