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Don Batory

Don Batory

Professor Emeritus, David Bruton, Jr. Centennial Professorship In Computer Sciences #1

Don Batory Wins Test of Time Award for Research on Software Product Lines

Don Batory

09/27/2016 - UTCS professor Don Batory won the Test of Time Award, a one-time award from the Software Product Lines Conference given to a paper that has had the most significant and long-lasting influence on software product line, or SPL, research during the past 20 years. He won the award for his paper on SPLs, “Feature Models, Grammars, and Propositional Formulas,” which was published in 2005.

ASE 2002 Best Paper Award

09/27/2002 - The paper "Generating Product-Lines of Product-Families" by Don Batory, Roberto Lopez-Herrejon, and Jean-Phillipe Martin won a best paper award at ASE 2002.