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Friends of Computer Science Partner Research

Friends of Computer Science

04/30/2012 - The Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) program at UTCS is fortunate to count many companies with world-class research programs as partners. FoCS partners Google, IBM, Microsoft, Sandia National Laboratories and Yahoo! are all on the forefront of technological innovation.

Research Corner: Computational Drug Discovery

Research Corner: Computational Drug Discovery

04/30/2012 - Discoveries in bioinformatics provide new therapeutic interventions to disease by replacing expensive, time-consuming physical experiments with an automated computational search. Public databases now contain experimentally determined sequence and structural information for hundreds of thousands of proteins

Alumni Reconnect: Russ Gayle (BS 2003)

Alumni Reconnect: Russ Gayle (BS 2003)

04/30/2012 - One of the challenges of working as a computer scientist and engineer at Sandia National Laboratories is to not be distracted by the breadth of innovative work that goes on. In any given week, I am exposed to topics and research in network and computer security, robotics, and exascale computing, to name a few.

From the Chair: Research

04/30/2012 - Research in computer science has shown a remarkable ability to change the world. Just consider some of the $1B industries that were spawned from basic research in computer science: Internet search, graphics and animation, relational databases, data mining, and speech recognition.