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Illustration of a room and all of the items in it as obstacles to navigate around.
A team comprising Texas Computer Science (TXCS) Ph.D. student Santhosh Ramakrishnan, postdoctoral researcher Ziad Al-Halah, and TXCS Professor Kristen Grauman recently won first place in the 2020 Habitat visual navigation challenge held at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).Read More
Image from Philipp Krähenbühl's Object Detection Research
The National Science Foundation has selected The University of Texas at Austin to lead NSF AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning, bolstering the university’s existing strengths in this emerging field. Machine learning is the technology that drives AI systems, enabling them to acquire knowledge and make predictions in complex environments. This technology has the potential to transform everything from transportation to entertainment to health care.Read More
As students, faculty, and staff prepare to return to campus for the fall semester, a key concern is making the university as safe as possible and properly tracking health data to prevent outbreaks. An interdisciplinary team of researchers and students, including Texas Computer Science (TXCS) undergraduate students Rohit Neppali, Anshul Modh, Viren Velacheri, and Ph.D. student Anibal Heinsfeld, developed the Protect Texas Together app to help track and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on the Forty Acres.Read More
Keshav Pingali
Texas Computer Science (TXCS) Professor Keshav Pingali has been elected as a foreign member of the Academia Europaea, an internationally-recognized organization dedicated to advancing scholarship across the world.Read More
There’s an (albeit cliché) saying that says that two heads are better than one. Unsurprisingly, this idiom extends to artificial agents. In the field of AI, researchers have been working to understand how to make independent agents, who may have different goals, work together in an environment to complete a shared task.Read More
black laptop computer turned on with code on screen
Texas Computer Science (TXCS) is proud to announce that two research teams have received awards at preeminent evolutionary computation conferences.Read More
Original story by Marc G Airhart, College of Natural SciencesRead More
surgical team in operating room monitoring patient stats
Imagine that you are a robot in a hospital: composed of bolts and bits, running on code, and surrounded by humans. It’s your first day on the job, and your task is to help your new human teammates—the hospital’s employees—do their job more effectively and efficiently. Mainly, you’re fetching things. You’ve never met the employees before, and don’t know how they handle their tasks. How do you know when to ask for instructions? At what point does asking too many questions become disruptive?Read More
DNA strand over code
Article by Esther R Robards-Forbes | College of Natural SciencesRead More
Earl Potts sits on a golden couch at the AfroTech Conference for Black students in computer science
Earl Potts, a Texas Computer Science (TXCS) and African and African Diaspora Studies student, created the app “Keep Austin Black” to provide Austinites with an extensive directory of local Black-owned businesses. Though Potts initially started working on the app in October 2019, he went back to working on “Keep Austin Black” as a response to the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests going on throughout the United States.Read More