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For the last two years, the Texas Computer Science senior class has coordinated and contributed to the Project Giving Tree senior giving campaign. The campaign is dedicated to improving the overall quality of UT Computer Science undergraduate education by directly supporting the area that impacts undergraduates the most: curriculum. This year’s campaign, which culminated in a banquet for graduating Texas Computer Science seniors, was the most successful campaign to date! The senior class donated and the campaign raised just under $12,000 this year.Read More
Every year, the Texas Exes Alcalde asks UT alumni to vote on their favorite UT professors for a teaching award called the "Texas 10." This year, UT Computer Science is proud to have our own Dr. Inderjit Dhillon represented among the winners. This prestigious award comes on the heels of Dhillon being named 2014 Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery in recognition of outstanding research. The story below is a profile of a professor who has achieved remarkable success both in his research and in the classroom.Read More
This past Thursday April 23rd the first <div> Day was held in the Gates Dell Complex. <div> Day was designed to be a discussion about diversity and inclusion in the technology field and is intended to raise awareness, build community, and empower participants. The students that put the event on had a bigger goal, of informing the UTCS student body of how diversity can benefit the technology field.Read More
This year the CS 378 course won the 2015 Tower Award for Civic Engagement. The undergrad computer science course taught by Karen Landolt focuses on behavioral ethics in the digital age. The Tower Awards are presented annually to honor and highlight excellence in service among the students, faculty and staff at The University of Texas at Austin as well as partners in the community. Since 1992, these awards have been presented to honor the dedication of the Longhorn community. Read More
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Moore's Law, Turing Award Recipient Chuck Thacker will give a lecture on April 29th titled "Computing After Moore’s Law." For fifty years the computing industry has had the luxury of an exponential improvement in the performance and density of the technology on which it relies. Moore’s Law, originally an “observation” with a time horizon of “a few years” has continued for most of the life of the industry. Read More
In today's society technology rules the world. From cell phones, computers, and the internet, technology is a part of our every day life. It's a trend that is consistent throughout America and leading to a growing number of technology related jobs. From 2004 to 2014, the number of tech-related jobs grew 31% faster than jobs in other industries like business and healthcare. In a wider scope, STEM jobs (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) grew 11.4 percent over the same period compared to the 4.5 percent growth of other jobs. Read More
This month marks the 50th Anniversary of Moore's Law, an observation that every couple of years, computer chip manufacturers manage to squeeze twice as many transistors onto a computer chip. Because transistors are the tiny on-off switches that perform calculations and temporarily store information, Moore’s Law also embodies the exponential increase in raw computing power that has unleashed a blizzard of tech innovations.Read More
Around this time every year a new group of students begins to prepare themselves to bid farewell to long days of classes and tedious homework assignments and make the shift to post grad life. The soon to be graduates of the UT Computer Science department have left their mark on the school in many ways. And now, through a special program called Project Giving Tree, these students can continue to leave their mark for years and years to come.Read More
Certain technologies go from being almost unimaginable to commonplace in what seems like the blink of an eye. For example, it was a relatively short time between when microwave ovens were introduced and when they became a standard appliance. Similar changes were brought about by the introduction of refrigerators, televisions, cell phones and personal computers. One of the next technologies that is likely to have similarly large and unforeseen effects is self-driving, or autonomous, cars. Read More
Professor Peter Stone
Professor Peter Stone has earned a 2015 College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award winner. The Teaching Excellence Award celebrates the members of CNS faculty that excel in the classroom. The Awards were established by Dean Mary Ann Rankin to increase recognition of the college's many exceptional faculty who are committed to teaching at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Read More