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UTCS + edX
On January 29, UT Computer Science made its first venture into the world of MOOCs (massively open online courses). Learn linear algebra theory with the practice of software library development. Read More
Computer science with Kapow explosion graphic
On several occasions now, I’ve written to all of you about the growing phenomenon of exploding interest in computer science. I’d like to update you on these trends. Read More
Postdoctoral fellow Mark Silberstein, postdoctoral fellow Lakshmi Ganesh, graduate student Yang Wang, Professor Lorenzo Alvisi, and Professor Mike Dahlin won the best paper award at the 7th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR '14) for their paper "Lazy Means Smart: Reducing Repair Bandwidth Costs in Erasure-coded Distributed Storage." Read More
The game ‘Port of Call’ is one of five student games to be showcased at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles this week. Read More
The University of Texas at Austin Freshman Research Initiative (FRI) recently received a $2.4 million grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), a science philanthropy organization based in Chevy Chase, Maryland that supports the advance of biomedical research and science education, to promote and expand their early student’s research projects. Read More
UTCS honored new Ph.D. graduates at its annual hooding ceremony on Friday, May 16. Each new graduate received a short testimonial from his or her graduate research advisor. The new doctors were then hooded by UTCS Chair Bruce Porter. Afterwards, a reception was held for graduates, faculty, friends and family. Click the button below to view high resolution copies of the photo gallery images on this page, plus bonus images of the 2013 Ph.D. Hooding and reception. We invite you to also upload pictures you have from the event.Read More
The University of Texas at Austin’s game "Port of Call" (a GAMMA Capstone course game) was selected as a finalist in the 2014 E3 College Game Competition. Read More
UT Austin has been ranked by Animation Career Review as one of the top schools for game design and development for its ’s Game and Mobile Media Applications (GAMMA) Program. Read More
The University of Texas at Austin's Department of Computer Science is partnering with IBM to launch a new cognitive computing course titled “Automated Question Answering” that gives students unprecedented access to one of IBM’s most prized innovations: Watson. The University of Texas at Austin is one of seven universities offering the new course this fall.Read More
Cognitive scientist honored at UC Merced | The Sacramento Bee Dana Ballard, a computer science professor of The University of Texas at Austin, on Monday was presented the 2014 Distinguished Cognitive Scientist Award at UC Merced.Read More