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Research Corner: Gates Building Prediction Market
Prediction markets are popular for aggregating opinions regarding the likelihood of future events by enabling people to buy and sell "shares" that indicate whether or not they think the event will happen. There has been some evidence that the market prices are reasonably accurate predictors of whether those events will actually happen. Read More
Alumni Reconnect: Who Wants a Brick?
As many of you know, Taylor Hall has been demolished to make way for the new Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex, due to open in December 2012. Original bricks from UTCS's old home, Taylor Hall, have been salvaged, mortar and all! Read More
Partners in Outreach and Diversity
This year, university and high school students learned more about software development, computer programming and, perhaps, their future careers through events generously funded by FoCS partners Yahoo!, Lockheed Martin, ConocoPhillips and Schlumberger. Read More
External and Interdisciplinary Partnerships
UTCS partners with industry and other disciplines within the university to enrich the educational experience of our students. Read More
Image AUSTIN, Texas-The College of Natural Sciences is teaming up with two other colleges at the university to launch undergraduate students into an interdisciplinRead More
CNN Video: Where 94% of grads get jobs. Majoring in computer science is hot right now. Enrollment is up, and undergrads are rocking the job market. Read More
1 Semester Startup (ISS) is a new practicum course designed to accelerate UT undergraduate students’ startups for degree credit. It allows undergraduates to experience entrepreneurship first-hand while learning from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in Austin. On December 1st, 1SS students presented their startups in five-minute investor pitches to the Austin entrepreneurial community. Read More
Intel has generously donated $70,000 to the University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science (UTCS) to purchase new machines for the department. The machines will be used in the new Intel Lab and by faculty members and their research groups. Read More
Computer science chair Bruce Porter is quoted in this piece from the Austin American-Statesman about the shortage of tech talent in Austin. Read More