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The Department of Computer Science (UTCS) is pleased to announce that the Board of Regents has approved additional funding to begin the first phase of construction for a new home for the department. Read More
The Department of Computer Science congratulates its graduating students of 2010. We wished them “Good Bytes and Good Luck” with a commencement celebration catered by Austin’s own Amy’s Ice Cream. Read More
UTCS professor Tandy Warnow has been awarded a Guggenheim fellowship for developing algorithms that enable an accounting of 3.5 billion years of evolutionary relationships. The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation describes these awards as “intended for men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.” Read More
Explore UT, a campus community engagement event held each March, invites the public to experience UT. Thousands of people explored the UTCS program, discovering the fun of computer science, engaging in artificial intelligence, software programming, gaming, graphics and visualization, and chatting with academic advisers. Read More
Thirty-one admitted prospective Ph.D. students attended this year’s invitation-only GradFest event for the opportunity to discover what makes UTCS unique, explore research areas of interest, meet our faculty and graduate students, and enjoy the famous Austin, Texas lifestyle (consistently ranked in the top 10 U.S. cities to live in).Read More
The University of Texas at Austin is part of a $25 million, multi-university center established by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that will study evolution in action in natural and virtual settings. Read More
Want a job? Get a computer science degree. That's the advice coming out of the top U.S. computer science programs, which are seeing rising enrollment and applications as more college students discover that their job prospects are better — and their starting salaries higher — if they have a computer-related degree. Read More
UTCS Professor Lorenzo Alvisi, has been named the recipient of the Graduate School's Outstanding Graduate Adviser Award for 2010, in recognition of his exemplary service as a Graduate Adviser. Graduate Advisers provide an invaluable service to the university and its community of students, faculty, and staff, and this award is one of the few opportunities available to recognize these individuals. Read More
The Department of Computer Sciences (CS) recognized scholarship recipients,scholarship donors, and Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) members with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on February 3, 2010. We appreciate the generosity of families and friends who have named scholarships in honor of a loved one and the generosity of our corporate donors. UTCS Scholarship Donors Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) members, are denoted in bold.Read More
In recognition of their contributions to the field of computer science, Doug Burger and Stephen Keckler will receive a 2010 Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award from The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST). Read More