Bruce Porter

- Machine reading
- Automated inference
- Question answering
- Explanation generation
- Other AI capabilities
Porter's research addresses the grand challenge in Artificial Intelligence of building knowledge bases containing the accumulated understanding of entire fields of human inquiry, such as cell biology or global warming.
Select Publications
2010. "Improving the Quality of Text Understanding by Delaying Ambiguity Resolution". 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
.2007. "Learning by Reading: A Prototype System, Performance Baseline and Lessons Learned". Proceedings of the Twenty-Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
.2004. "A Question-Answering System for AP Chemistry: Assessing KRR Technologies". The Ninth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
.21-23 October 2001. "A Library of Generic Concepts for Composing Knowledge Bases". First International Conference on Knowledge Capture.
.1997. "Building Concept Representations from Components". Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
.Awards & Honors
- 2015 - President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Award, University of Texas at Austin
- 2008 - College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award
- 1997 - Best Paper Award, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- 1988 - Presidential Young Investigator, National Science Foundation