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Every CS student begins as entry-level until they complete the following requirements to be promoted into the upper division sequence.

Promotion Requirements: CS entry-level students must complete all requirements in order to be promoted into the upper division sequence.

(1) 2.0 UT GPA

(2) Complete C S 312, C S 311 and C S 314 with no grades lower than a C-

(3) Complete all CS entry-level courses in no more than 2 attempts (students may appeal to receive a third, and final attempt at an entry-level course if they have a verified non-academic Q-drop within the semester the course was taken).

*** Transfer courses taken prior to initial enrollment at the University of Texas at Austin may be reviewed, and if approved, can substitute for the entry-level courses. Upon enrollment at the University of Texas at Austin, all remaining entry-level courses must be taken in residence. ***

Students' records will be reviewed following the posting of grades at the conclusion of each long semester and summer. Students who meet the requirements for promotion will be automatically promoted into the major.

Please note: University policy states that you may NOT for any reason retake a course if you have made a C- or better. That is true of our entry-level courses as well.

College of Natural Sciences/Computer Science Repetition of a Course Policy

As stated in the Undergraduate Catalog, no more than two attempts are allowed for a given course offered by the College of Natural Sciences. A third, and final attempt may be granted if a student receives a non-academic Q drop (Q) or Withdrawal (W) from the College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Office. This includes all computer science, science, and math/statistics courses. These rules apply to students who are completing entry-level requirements as well as those who have been promoted into their respective Computer Science degree. If a student cannot complete a course that is required for a degree in Computer Science because they are not allowed any further attempts, they will be required to change majors. Students must make at least a C- in all computer science, math and science courses that are required for their degree.

It is strongly suggested that students contact the CNS Non-Academic Counselors immediately if they feel a non-academic situation has occurred in a given semester that has the possibility of disrupting their ability to complete the course successfully. Below are the guidelines set forth by the College of Natural Sciences to potentially qualify for a non-academic Q drop or Withdrawal. Their phone number is 512-471-4536 and their office is located in WCH 1.106 if students feel they need to schedule an appointment.

Non-academic Q drop/s or Withdrawal up until the Mid-semester Deadline can be considered for non-academic reasons through the CNS Dean's Office. These non-academic reasons include documentable medical, mental health, or other life problems that students encounter, such as deaths, financial duress, legal conflicts, etc. The student would have to meet with a CNS Non-academic Counselor to discuss the situation, to see if it qualifies for the Non-academic Q Drop or Withdrawal. Official documentation is required for any Non-academic Q drop/s or Withdrawal.

After the Drop Deadline, Non-academic Q drop/s or Withdrawal is only considered for non-academic reasons through the CNS Dean's Office if the following criteria is met: (1) the student had been passing with a C- or better up until the drop deadline, so there was no reason to drop, then (2) something urgent and critical occurred after this date, that can be documented, that is now impacting the student's course work. An appeal can be done through the Non-academic Counselors for consideration of Non-academic Q drop/s or Withdrawal based on this criteria.