CS Pods
Apply to be a 2025-26 CS Pod Mentor!
What are CS Pods?
CS Pods are designed to build CS community and connect students to CS-specific resources. Every new CS student will be able to choose a Pod with a small group of other first-year students (including transfer students!). Each CS Pod will contain a seminar which is used to teach students about the Computer Science major, the College of Natural Sciences, and University. Pods also have linked courses that everyone in the Pod take together! An experienced CS mentor and CS staff facilitator will lead the weekly 1-hour seminar meetings on several topics from time management to how to turn in your CS homework. Each seminar will also have a social aspect planned by their mentor.
How do I join?
During Orientation, you will register for your first semester of classes, including your CS Pod. You will choose either a CS 312 Intro to Programming Pod or a CS 314 Data Structures Pod. Don't worry! The seminar class within the Pod doesn't add any hours to your schedule and we don't assign homework, so you will have plenty of time to focus on your other classes!
Who are the CS Pod mentors?
The CS Pod mentors are exceptional leaders and students at UT! All of them are computer science majors who have encountered many of the issues you may face your first year. Your mentors will contact you near the end of the summer to introduce themselves and to set up any activities or events they may have planned for the weeks before classes start. You will also have a CS staff member or advisor that will help to facilitate your meeting. They are an experienced contact person if you have issues that you and your mentor need help solving.
Jamie Babbe

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Granbury, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: UTCS is hard, but it is incredibly rewarding to solve the issues you have. Also as a product of the difficulty, I have met many of my closest friends in during office hours of CS courses, so it’s been worth it.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? I would tell myself to not be so hard on myself. Everyone has different starting points with cs and it’s okay if it takes a bit longer for me to grasp concepts than other people.
Best place to eat in Austin? Via 313
Siddh Bamb

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Austin, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: I’ve really enjoyed participating in hackathons hosted by UTCS student orgs like Freetail Hackers and Convergent. I’ve also had a lot of fun getting to know peers and talking to recruiters through socials at the GDC.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Apply to internships early, and don’t focus too much on grades or academic performance compared to learning and making friends and useful connections.
Best place to eat in Austin? Chilantro
Rudy Caballero

Year in College: Sophomore
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience in UTCS so far has been building friendships with genuine people pursuing similar goals to mine. I have also enjoyed being part of HACS which has given me a place to meet others with similar cultural backgrounds. One of the greatest things about the CS department at UT is how welcoming and caring everyone is. Their is endless opportunities to meet and connect with others and grow as a person.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? It is easy to compare your achievements and struggles to those around you. In reality, we all have different roads that will lead us to our end goals. The path of each person is unique to them and their experiences. Don’t be discouraged, and do your best to focus on your journey.
Best place to eat in Austin? Halal Bros
Karnika Choudhury
Year in College: Sophomore
Hometown: Katy, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience with UTCS has been the community! Sometimes assignments can get hard, and tests prep can be stressful, but walking into the GDC and seeing that everyone is in the exact same situation is so calming. I love all of the incredible, inspired, and motivated CS majors that I have met, and they push me to be the best version of myself. We are all here to succeed and it is so much fun sharing that experience with others.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? My best piece of advice would be putting yourself first! Do what is best for your, and do not worry about what anyone else is doing. Take the time you need to adjust to your new surroundings and make friends, and never compare yourself to others.
Best place to eat in Austin? Cabo Bobs
Andrew Friedrich

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Round Rock, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My best UTCS memory is playing Mario Super Sluggers with friends after a long night of studying for the CS429 final. It was so ridiculous and fun and gave us the mental break we needed to do well on the exam the next day.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? The best advice I could go back and give myself coming into UTCS is to rely on the people around you. The best part of UTCS is the relationships you’ll form, and it’s super important to find the people that are going to take this journey with you.
Best place to eat in Austin? Reale’s
Kayla Han

Year in college: Senior
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Meeting people in UTCS, both staff and students! There are a lot of nice people in the program. :)
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Start assignments earlier
Best place to eat in Austin? Amy's Ice Creams
Jake Honea

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Fort Worth, TX
Favorite C S Experience so far and why: My favorite experience in CS is being a part of various student organizations. I'm actively involved in Texas ACM and CS Roadshow, and my favorite memory so far has been the Texas ACM day trip to Pedernales Falls State Park. The trip to the state park allowed members to bond outside of the classroom and explore nature together. Whether it was the cave exploring, swimming in the river, or playing card games for hours, the experience formed lasting relationships with my classmates beyond our classes. The student organizations at UT made me feel like I belong in the community, and my journey throughout university would not be the same without them.
Best place to eat in Austin? Nido, Comedor, or Uchi
Praachi Khandekar

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Plano, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite CS experience has been going to Pod. Whether we played Jeopardy, learned about career opportunities, or asked UTCS students and faculty about their experiences, I always had fun. Pod helped me learn a lot about UT and the CS department that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. The best part is, the people I met in Pod are some of my closest friends now and I couldn’t have gotten through the year without them!
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Take it one day at a time.
Best place to eat in Austin? Kerbey Lane Cafe
Lexi Lewis

Year in College: Senior
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Taking Machine Learning with Professor Beasley. The class was engaging, challenging, and fascinating.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Do not fall prey to imposter syndrome! You are meant to be here. Instead, focus on yourself while appreciating the talented people that surround you.
Best place to eat in Austin? Matt's El Rancho
Lauren Leyendecker

Year in college: Junior
Hometown: Spring Branch, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience in UTCS so far has been being able to work as a programming assistant (PA) for the UTCS Summer Academies for Women. When I had transferred into the Department of Computer Science I didn’t have any friends in CS and I found it intimidating talking to people in my classes. However, when I was working at these summer academies, the other PAs and I became very close over the two weeks we were together and became inseparable. All of the PAs were so nice and welcoming and it was amazing getting to know them and build friendships with each of them.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? If I could go back and give advice to myself coming into UTCS I would tell myself to not be afraid to put myself out there and attend career fairs, network, and apply to internships even if I’m not completely sure I’ll get the job. If you never apply or try to do something you’re interested in then it is guaranteed that you will not get it. However, if you apply then at least you can say you tried your best and you might even get what you wanted, and even if you don’t then you can still gain application and/or interview experience.
Best place to eat in Austin? Madam Mam’s, specifically the one on W Anderson Ln. They have an extensive menu and everything on it tastes amazing!
Marlon Merida Garcia

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Houston, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience has been meeting so many great people and professors.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? I would tell myself to put myself out there more and be more involved on campus.
Best place to eat in Austin? Via 313
Ansh Moraje

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Glen Rock, NJ
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Honestly haven't had many UTCS experiences besides pods and classes. With the limited UTCS experiences I've had, I would say Pods were my favorite. I formed some very long lasting friendships in pod, and learned a lot from my pod mentor in terms of recruitment.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? I think I've handled the curriculum well and been fairly successful up until this point, so I wouldn't give myself any particular academic advice. I would simply tell myself to enjoy college at every minute because it'll go by so fast.
Best place to eat in Austin? Cabo bobs
Mihir Nakra

Year in College: Sophomore
Hometown: Frisco, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: I liked all the free merch / food we got in GDC, it would always make my day better.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Don't stress out so much and make sure to have fun.
Best place to eat in Austin? For now I'd say 1618 Asian Fusion, but I definitely want to try more places this semester
Huyen Nguyen

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Fort Worth, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience in UTCS so far has been the tight-knit experiences I've had with other girls in my cohort. From study sessions in West Campus, to getting celebratory dinners together after an exam, has all made UTCS unforgettable.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Continuously advocate for yourself no matter what background you came from. The worst that can happen is that nothing happens. The best thing that can happen is that an opportunity can come forward.
Best place to eat in Austin? Cabo Bobs
Raina Parikh

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Sugar Land, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite UTCS moment was when my CS Pod and I stayed awake up 3 am in my dorm working on a 314 assignment. While the assignment wasn't fun, it was a great way to bond.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? I would tell myself to try and live in the moment, rather than constantly worry about what is coming next.
Best place to eat in Austin? Titaya
Will Peters

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Austin, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Meeting really great friends from my CS pod! They’ve been some of my closest friends at college and I’m so glad I was able to find fellow CS students to work with.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? My biggest advice would be to try to meet/get to know some older students in UTCS. They’ve already been through their freshman year so they’ve got good advice on how to navigate your freshman year and what to expect in the future.
Best place to eat in Austin? Tumble22
Niyati Prabhu

Year in College: Senior
Hometown: Flower Mound, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Meeting friends in my classes and through WiCS! UTCS gave me people I could really bond with because of all our shared experiences.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? It's okay to not know something - nobody knows everything, even if it seems like they do. The most important thing is that you learn as much as you can.
Best place to in eat in Austin? Patrizi's
Jafrina Rahman

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Garland, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience so far has definitely been the very inviting community in UTCS. The friends I made and the insanely kind and supportive T.A.’s all made me feel as if I belonged to this challenging field.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Don’t get anxious! It’s easy to worry and get caught up in the end result of getting the best job or internship. Enjoy the journey!
Best place to eat in Austin? Kebabbilicious
Namila Rahmani

Year in College: Sophomore
Hometown: Edinburg/College Station, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: The people - I've met so many caring, great people in UTCS that have made my first year really fun and helped me always feel very supported and encouraged. It can feel scary to adapt to the college workload and environment at first, but getting to know peers who are all in the same boat makes everything so much better. It’s also nice to look back after finishing a particularly challenging project or finally finishing something early and seeing how much you’ve learned and that you’re capable of more than you first expected :)
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Don't be afraid to ask for help! Even if it doesn’t feel like it, there are so many people feeling just as lost as you are, and you'll be surprised at how many amazing people are more than happy to help you
Best place to eat in Austin? Determined to try more places, but so far I really like Korean Grill, Halal Bros, and Madam Mams!
Arvind Rathnam

Year in college: Junior
Hometown: Chennai, India
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Operating Systems as Dr. Gheith was the best.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Focus on creating experiences that will live with you for the rest of your life.
Best place to eat in Austin? Uchi
Kaitlyn Rouse
Year in college: Junior
Hometown: New Braunfels, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Crazy as it sounds, my favorite CS experiences have been the hours spent sitting in office hours for my computer science courses. It is such a unique feeling to walk into a room and be instantly surrounded by people that support you and understand exactly what you’re struggling with. Computer Science is a tough major to navigate through alone, and office hours are a safe space to share your challenges and grow with your peers. From late-night coding sessions to post-exam In and Out runs, I’ve made great memories and lifelong friendships with the people I’ve met in this major.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Looking back at my first semester in UTCS, I don’t remember what I got on my first programming assignment or how well I did on the final exam. I remember Wednesday lunches with my Pod, karaoke nights in the dorms, and watching the sunrise from the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge with my best friends. My advice to my freshman self is this: step out of your comfort zone and seize every opportunity to make lasting memories.
Best place to eat in Austin? I’m a sucker for anywhere I can get a good bowl of pasta, so my go-to places are Cipollina, Patrizi’s, and North Italia!
Megan Sickler

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Plano, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: I loved taking Intro to Human-Computer Interaction under Professor Amy Pavel because it allowed me to explore the design side of the field!
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Meet yourself where you are — no need to compare yourself to peers who might come into college with more experience than you. After your intro classes, the playing field will level out!
Best place to eat in Austin? The waffles at Mary’s Cafe are the best!
Hanaa Siddiqui
Year in college: Senior
Hometown: Plano, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: Meeting other CS students. About half of the cool useful things you learn in this program are from your own peers and upperclassmen. Also, working in groups (to the extent the professor allows collaboration) makes homework a little more fun :)
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Your health is important!! School is not more important than sleep and food.
Best place to eat in Austin? P Terry's has a special place in my heart <3
Megan Sundheim

Year in college: Senior
Hometown: Austin, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience in UTCS has been the small, tight-knit community I’ve helped build with my friends from Pod! Since I had completed a summer internship prior to my freshman year at UT with several of my Pod-mates, I had the opportunity to further forge and deepen those connections through sharing classes and participating in Pod activities with those amazing people. Whether it be throwing late-night pizza party study sessions in the library before an exam, goofing around constantly through Discord, going to fun social events with fellow CS majors in my spirit organization, or simply having a support network for when I struggle with assignments or stress, being able to go through the CS program with my best friends has been the highlight of my UTCS experience so far!
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? If I could go back to when I was coming into UTCS, I would establish a core support group of other CS majors sooner than later. A support group can be there for group study sessions, working together on understanding UTCS coursework, and hanging out in between classes. When I started in UTCS, I thought I could go it alone, but having a core group of friends that get you can not only can be the best medicine to midterm season stress, but also can make you a better, more well-rounded person overall.
Best place to eat in Austin? Chuy's
Mia Tey

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience so far has been running my own pod a year ago. I was able to have fun and really connect with my mentees. By sharing my experiences here and listening to their perspectives, it made UTCS feel more like home.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Everything works out in the end. Focus on connecting with your peers because you’ll need them for support along the way. Most of all: HAVE FUN.
Best place to eat in Austin? Basil Thai!!
Tejaswi Thapa

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Denton, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: One of my recent favorite experiences at UTCS was when me and some of my friends grabbed dinner together at the West Campus food trucks after the CS 439 final exam. Finishing my last final and wrapping up a grueling semesters was a bittersweet moment for me but I'm glad to have shared it with some of the people who were beside me along the way. Some of my other favorite experiences at UTCS are working on group programming assignments. My group's impressive ability to set up shop at any place on campus while still finding moments to chat and laugh has been the most memorable part of my semester. Another one of my favorite experiences has been watching my last pod cohort's students grow as the semester and year progressed. Seeing them branch out of their comfort zones, make new friendships, and find a sense of belonging at UTCS has been the most rewarding part of my role as a Pod Mentor.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Balance academics and social life! Both are essential to your overall experience at UTCS.
Best place to eat in Austin? Titaya's Thai Cuisine
Hima Tummalapalli
Year in college: Junior
Hometown: Carrollton, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: I've had many great experiences in UTCS so far. I've gotten to learn a lot through my classes, but also through hackathons and organizations like DiRP. Additionally, I've made some really close friends in this department who have been a part of my journey in CS thus far. I was also a pod mentor last school year, and I had a really good time welcoming the new freshmen into UTCS. I've had a lot of great experiences in UTCS, and I'm really grateful for them.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? I would probably advise myself to get more involved in organizations, especially freshman year. I found it hard to balance being in clubs while doing schoolwork, but I think I should have tried to do that better since getting involved in clubs can give you really good experience in skills that you may not be able to develop just from your classes.
Nidhi Venigalla

Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Springfield, IL
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience in UTCS has probably been the CS Pods. CS Pods helped me feel less alone my freshman year and get to know my peers and make new friends; I was really grateful for the community that CS Pods helped me find. Meeting new people in general has been one of my favorite experiences in UTCS; I've met some of my closest friends through UTCS and am so glad that I had the opportunity to!
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? Coming into UTCS, I was worried that I didn't know enough or knew less than others. I would tell myself that everybody feels this way, and that it is incredibly common to feel imposter syndrome and as if you know less than the people around you; I would tell myself that it is okay to feel this way, and that I should be proud of myself for getting to where I am.
Best place to eat in Austin? Ramen Tatsuya!
Chenyi Wang

Year in College: Sophomore
Hometown: Hangzhou, China
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite experience in UTCS so far has definitely been the friends I was able to easily make during the first week of CS312. I remember sitting down next to four random people on the first day of lecture, those four ended up becoming my friends that I still hang out with in and out of school. We would study together before exams and always grab food before heading to the exam room, even hanging out and going to social events to decompress after. The people within UTCS are all incredibly driven and friendly and immersing yourself in that will provide you the best experience navigating through college life.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? I would say the biggest piece of advice I would give to myself had I known earlier is to give myself a set schedule. I remember stressing about assignments and spending hours just sitting down stuck on a single bug, working past the time I gave myself, and skipping things I had planned for myself such as going to the gym. However, once I told myself that I need to get up and do what I had originally planned, I felt much more efficient and was even able to finish the assignment after clearing my head.
Best place to eat in Austin? I really recommend QI Austin if you’re looking for the best dim sum in the city, though it is a little pricey.
Gregory Zachariah

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Sugar Land, TX
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite CS experience so far is the ever-present community that is present. Coming into such a huge school and rigorous program, it felt quite easy to get lost in all the action. Regardless of what the next rigorous CS class I would be taking, the support system around me turned what would’ve been a stressful semester into a period of inspiring mutual growth and memories. Whether spending my entire afternoon in office hours at GDC, working on pitching a product for an org, or depleting all my remaining dining dollars at Lucky Lab with friends, the inclusive environment fostered by the department and my peers was an aspect I never expected from UTCS. Being able to learn the ropes of such challenging courses with the help of the people I met along the way has helped to narrow down this massive student population into a community I can call my own.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? If I were to go back and give myself some advice coming into UTCS, it would be to embrace failure, expect things to not always work out on the first try, and not let disappointment dictate how you move forward.
Best place to eat in Austin? Though I haven’t had a chance to fully venture out into Austin’s food scene, K-Bop is definitely a top contender for places to eat. Being relatively affordable and close to campus, their Beef Bulgogi bowls were a treat after a stressful few weeks of preparing for my CS exams.
Batyr Zhangabylov

Year in college: Sophomore
Hometown: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Favorite C S experience so far and why: My favorite thing about UTCS has been the opportunity to be surrounded by such a talented and supportive community. From world-class professors to so many great students, everyone has been nothing short of friendly and supportive. There are people from all walks of life, making it a great collaborative but also a very welcoming environment for anyone joining. We have an extremely diverse and well-rounded cohort of people, which I believe is what drives success and makes each experience so memorable.
What advice (if any) would you go back and give yourself coming into UTCS? One piece of advice I would give at the start of the year is to take advantage of all the opportunities on campus, but also make sure to prioritize and manage your time well. It can be easy to get overwhelmed when you first arrive at such a busy place with so many people, but you have a few years here, so there is no need to rush.
Best place to eat in Austin? Kismet Cafe