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Integrated 5-Year BS CS/MS CSEM Program

The Five-Year BS CS / MS CSEM Integrated Program enables highly talented students with strong academic records to earn a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Master of Science in Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (BS CS / MS CSEM) within a five-year period. The BS in Computer Science will prepare students with a strong foundation in computing. The MS in Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics complements the Department of Computer Science’s focus on data with a strong emphasis on mathematics, scientific computing, and applications of computing to real-world problems. The CSEM Master’s Program is a highly interdisciplinary program and consists of three concentration areas:  Area A – applicable mathematics; Area B – numerical analysis and scientific computation; and Area C – mathematical modeling and applications. The integrated BS CS / MS CSEM program will provide students with a well-rounded education enabling them to not only understand the fundamental science of computing, but how computing is used to tackle challenging problems.

Talented, high achieving juniors may apply to the BS CS / MS CS Integrated Program.  The BS CS Option IV degree requires a total of 120 hours. The MS CSEM degree associated with this program requires a total of 30 hours. Combined, the degrees total 150 hours, spread out over five years. Students may only be admitted for fall semesters. Applications are open only to current, degree-seeking computer science majors at the University of Texas at Austin.

During the senior year (Stage One), students admitted to the program will continue to be undergraduates in the College of Natural Sciences. They will apply to the Graduate School during the senior year, for admission as full-fledged graduate students in the fifth year (Stage Two). The BS CS and MS CSEM degrees will be simultaneously awarded upon completion of the MS CSEM degree requirements.

Eligibility for applying to the program

  • We recommend that students be within 12 hours of finishing their undergrad courses when applying
  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and, in order to be competitive, applicants should have a minimum 3.3 CS GPA.
  • Completed all core courses when entering stage one of the program
  • Core courses include: 312, 313K/313H or 311/311H, 314/314H, 429/429H, 439/439H, and 331.

 Eligibility for moving forward into stage two of the program

  • At the end of stage one, a student will be admitted to stage two if they have a 3.0 GPA in their undergrad and grad CSEM courses and no grade below a "B-" in a graduate course.
  • A student must have taken a minimum of 12 graduate hours to move into stage two.
  • GRE must be taken to move into stage two.
  • Students who do not meet these requirements may submit a petition to the
  • CSEM Graduate Office for re-consideration.

How to apply

Fall 2024 Application Deadline: February 12, 2024

Application Materials

  • Online application form (link below)
  • Recommendations (2 required) – Be sure to notify your references that the recommendation has been requested.
  • Statement of Purpose – Describe your reasons for pursuing graduate study and your academic and professional interests and goals (1-2 pages.)
  • Resume (optional)
  • List of publications (optional)

Apply Now – BS CS / MS CSEM Application Form 

Be sure to include your name and EID on all documents submitted. All materials will be collected via the application form. 

The application requires the submission of a statement of purpose. Students are strongly advised to take advantage of the free Personal Statement Critiques process offered by the Sanger Learning Center, which has a professional staff that can give you constructive feedback regarding the content, structure, tone, and length of your essay.