Package aim4.vehicle

This package contains the vehicle model in the simulator.


Interface Summary
AutoVehicleDriverView The interface of an autonomous vehicle from the viewpoint of a driver.
AutoVehicleSimView The interface of an autonomous vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.
BasicVehicle.Movement The movement of a vehicle.
BasicVehicle.MovementFactory The Movement Factory
BasicVehicle.MovementWithAccel The movement with acceleration interface
HumanDrivenVehicleDriverView The interface of a manually-driven vehicle from the viewpoint of a driver.
HumanDrivenVehicleSimView The interface of a manually-driven vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.
ProxyVehicleSimView The interface of a proxy vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.
VehicleDriverView The interface of a vehicle from the viewpoint of a driver.
VehicleSimView The interface of a vehicle from the viewpoint of a simulator.

Class Summary
AccelProfile The acceleration profile.
AccelProfile.DurAccel A pair of acceleration and duration.
AccelSchedule The acceleration schedule
AccelSchedule.TimeAccel The time-acceleration pair.
BasicAutoVehicle The basic autonomous vehicle.
BasicVehicle The most basic form of a vehicle.
BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement The acceleration schedule movement.
BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement A move-to-target-velocity movement.
BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement The non-acceleration movement
BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement The physical movement.
BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement The steering movement.
BasicVehicle.TrackMovement The track movement.
ProxyVehicle The proxy vehicle.
VehicleSpec The characteristics of the vehicle
VehicleSpecDatabase The vehicle specification database.
VehicleUtil The utility functions for vehicles.
VinRegistry The Vehicle Registry, the class that issues VIN to vehicles.

Enum Summary
AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode Potential operating modes for a vehicle's laser range finder.

Package aim4.vehicle Description

This package contains the vehicle model in the simulator.

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