Class BasicAutoVehicle

  extended by aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
      extended by aim4.vehicle.BasicAutoVehicle
All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoVehicleDriverView, AutoVehicleSimView, VehicleDriverView, VehicleSimView
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BasicAutoVehicle
extends BasicVehicle
implements AutoVehicleSimView

The basic autonomous vehicle.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
BasicVehicle.AccelScheduleMovement, BasicVehicle.Movement, BasicVehicle.MovementFactory, BasicVehicle.MovementWithAccel, BasicVehicle.MoveToTargetVelocityMovement, BasicVehicle.NonAccelMovement, BasicVehicle.PhysicalMovement, BasicVehicle.SteeringMovement, BasicVehicle.TrackMovement
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface aim4.vehicle.AutoVehicleDriverView
Field Summary
protected  int bitsReceived
          The number of bits this Vehicle has received.
          The default distance the Vehicle can transmit messages.
Fields inherited from class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
currentTime, movement, spec, vin
Constructor Summary
BasicAutoVehicle(VehicleSpec spec, Point2D pos, double heading, double steeringAngle, double velocity, double targetVelocity, double acceleration, double currentTime)
          Construct a vehicle
Method Summary
 int getBitsReceived()
          Get the number of bits this Vehicle has received.
 int getBitsTransmitted()
          Get the number of bits this Vehicle has transmitted.
 AutoDriver getDriver()
          Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.
 DoubleGauge getFrontVehicleDistanceSensor()
          Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle in the front of the vehicle to p1 on the target lane.
 DoubleGauge getFrontVehicleSpeedSensor()
          Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle in front of the vehicle on the target lane.
 DoubleGauge getIntervalometer()
          Get this Vehicle's interval-to-vehicle-in-front gauge.
 V2IMessage getLastV2IMessage()
          Get the last V2I message
 DoubleGauge getLRFAngle()
          Get this Vehicle's laser range finder angle gauge.
 DoubleGauge getLRFDistance()
          Get this Vehicle's laser range finder distance gauge.
 AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode getLRFMode()
          Get the Vehicle's laser range finder operating mode.
 DoubleGauge getRearVehicleDistanceSensor()
          Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle behind the vehicle to p1 on the target lane.
 DoubleGauge getRearVehicleSpeedSensor()
          Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle behind the vehicle on the target lane.
 Lane getTargetLaneForVehicleTracking()
          Return the target lane for vehicle tracking.
 double getTransmissionPower()
          Get the Vehicle's transmission power.
 Queue<V2IMessage> getV2IOutbox()
          Get the queue of V2I messages waiting to be delivered from this Vehicle.
 boolean isLRFSensing()
          Get whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything.
 boolean isVehicleTracking()
          Get whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.
 List<I2VMessage> pollAllMessagesFromI2VInbox()
          Get the list of all messages currently in the queue of I2V messages waiting to be read by this Vehicle.
 void receive(I2VMessage msg)
          Adds a message to the incoming queue of messages received from IntersectionManagers.
 void send(V2IMessage msg)
          Adds a message to the outgoing queue of messages to be delivered to an IntersectionManager.
 void setDriver(AutoDriver driver)
          Set this Vehicle's Driver.
 void setLRFMode(AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode mode)
          Set the Vehicle's laser range finder operating mode.
 void setLRFSensing(boolean sensing)
          Set whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything.
 void setTargetLaneForVehicleTracking(Lane lane)
          Set the target lane for vehicle tracking.
 void setTransmissionPower(double transmissionPower)
          Set the Vehicle's transmission power.
 void setVehicleTracking(boolean sensing)
          Set whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.
Methods inherited from class aim4.vehicle.BasicVehicle
checkCurrentTime, coast, finalize, gaugeCornerPoints, gaugeHeading, gaugePointAtMiddleFront, gaugePointAtRear, gaugePointBetweenFrontWheels, gaugePosition, gaugeRearLeftCornerPoint, gaugeRearRightCornerPoint, gaugeShape, gaugeTime, gaugeVelocity, getAcceleration, getAccelSchedule, getCenterPoint, getCornerPoints, getEdges, getHeading, getPointAtMiddleFront, getPointAtRear, getPosition, getShape, getShape, getSpec, getSteeringAngle, getVelocity, getVIN, getWheelShapes, move, printState, removeAccelSchedule, setAccelSchedule, setAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity, setMaxAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity, setTargetVelocityWithMaxAccel, setVIN, slowToStop, turnTowardPoint
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleSimView
checkCurrentTime, getAcceleration, getCenterPoint, getCornerPoints, getEdges, getHeading, getPointAtMiddleFront, getPointAtRear, getPosition, getShape, getShape, getVelocity, getWheelShapes, move, setVIN
Methods inherited from interface aim4.vehicle.VehicleDriverView
coast, gaugeHeading, gaugePointAtMiddleFront, gaugePointAtRear, gaugePointBetweenFrontWheels, gaugePosition, gaugeRearLeftCornerPoint, gaugeRearRightCornerPoint, gaugeShape, gaugeTime, gaugeVelocity, getAccelSchedule, getSpec, getVIN, printState, removeAccelSchedule, setAccelSchedule, setAccelWithMaxTargetVelocity, setTargetVelocityWithMaxAccel, slowToStop, turnTowardPoint

Field Detail


public static final double DEFAULT_TRANSMISSION_POWER
The default distance the Vehicle can transmit messages. 250.0 meters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int bitsReceived
The number of bits this Vehicle has received.

Constructor Detail


public BasicAutoVehicle(VehicleSpec spec,
                        Point2D pos,
                        double heading,
                        double steeringAngle,
                        double velocity,
                        double targetVelocity,
                        double acceleration,
                        double currentTime)
Construct a vehicle

spec - the vehicle's specification
pos - the initial position of the Vehicle
heading - the initial heading of the Vehicle
steeringAngle - the initial steering angle of the Vehicle
velocity - the initial velocity of the Vehicle
targetVelocity - the initial target velocity
acceleration - the initial acceleration of the Vehicle
currentTime - the current time
Method Detail


public AutoDriver getDriver()
Getter method for the Driver controlling this Vehicle.

Specified by:
getDriver in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
Specified by:
getDriver in interface VehicleDriverView
Specified by:
getDriver in class BasicVehicle
the Driver controlling this Vehicle, or null if none exists.


public void setDriver(AutoDriver driver)
Set this Vehicle's Driver.

Specified by:
setDriver in interface VehicleSimView
driver - the new driver to control this Vehicle


public DoubleGauge getIntervalometer()
Get this Vehicle's interval-to-vehicle-in-front gauge. This should only be followed by a call to read, except in the actual physical simulator which is allowed to set these values.

Specified by:
getIntervalometer in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the Vehicle's interval-to-vehicle-in-front gauge


public void setLRFMode(AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode mode)
Set the Vehicle's laser range finder operating mode.

mode - the new laser range finder mode
See Also:


public AutoVehicleDriverView.LRFMode getLRFMode()
Get the Vehicle's laser range finder operating mode.

Specified by:
getLRFMode in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the current operating mode of the laser range finder
See Also:


public boolean isLRFSensing()
Get whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything.

Specified by:
isLRFSensing in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything


public void setLRFSensing(boolean sensing)
Set whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything. This should only be called by the actual physical simulator when it is providing sensing information to the Vehicle.

Specified by:
setLRFSensing in interface AutoVehicleSimView
sensing - whether or not the laser range finder is sensing anything


public DoubleGauge getLRFAngle()
Get this Vehicle's laser range finder angle gauge. This should only be followed by a call to read, except in the actual physical simulator which is allowed to set these values.

the Vehicle's laser range finder angle gauge


public DoubleGauge getLRFDistance()
Get this Vehicle's laser range finder distance gauge. This should only be followed by a call to read, except in the actual physical simulator which is allowed to set these values.

Specified by:
getLRFDistance in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the Vehicle's laser range finder angle gauge


public boolean isVehicleTracking()
Get whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.

Specified by:
isVehicleTracking in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything


public void setVehicleTracking(boolean sensing)
Set whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything.

Specified by:
setVehicleTracking in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
sensing - whether or not the vehicle tracking sensors are sensing anything


public void setTargetLaneForVehicleTracking(Lane lane)
Set the target lane for vehicle tracking.

Specified by:
setTargetLaneForVehicleTracking in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
lane - the target lane for vehicle tracking


public Lane getTargetLaneForVehicleTracking()
Return the target lane for vehicle tracking.

Specified by:
getTargetLaneForVehicleTracking in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the target lane for vehicle tracking


public DoubleGauge getFrontVehicleDistanceSensor()
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle in the front of the vehicle to p1 on the target lane. If there is no vehicle in the front on the target lane, the value should be Double.MAX_VALUE.

Specified by:
getFrontVehicleDistanceSensor in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the distance of the vehicle in the front on the target lane.


public DoubleGauge getRearVehicleDistanceSensor()
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the distance, in meters, between p1 and p2, both of them are points on the target lane, where p1 is the point projected from the center of the front of the vehicle, and p2 is the nearest point of another vehicle behind the vehicle to p1 on the target lane. If there is no vehicle behind on the target lane, the value should be Double.MAX_VALUE.

Specified by:
getRearVehicleDistanceSensor in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the distance of the vehicle behind on the target lane.


public DoubleGauge getFrontVehicleSpeedSensor()
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle in front of the vehicle on the target lane. If there is no vehicle in the front on the target lane, the value should be Double.MAX_VALUE.

Specified by:
getFrontVehicleSpeedSensor in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the speed of the vehicle in the front on the target lane.


public DoubleGauge getRearVehicleSpeedSensor()
Get this Vehicle's gauge of sensors about the speed, in meters per second, of the vehicle behind the vehicle on the target lane. If there is no vehicle behind on the target lane, the value should be Double.MAX_VALUE.

Specified by:
getRearVehicleSpeedSensor in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the speed of the vehicle behind on the target lane.


public void setTransmissionPower(double transmissionPower)
Set the Vehicle's transmission power.

transmissionPower - the new transmission power, in meters


public double getTransmissionPower()
Get the Vehicle's transmission power.

Specified by:
getTransmissionPower in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the Vehicle's transmission power, in meters


public Queue<V2IMessage> getV2IOutbox()
Get the queue of V2I messages waiting to be delivered from this Vehicle.

Specified by:
getV2IOutbox in interface VehicleSimView
the queue of V2I messages to be delivered from this Vehicle


public List<I2VMessage> pollAllMessagesFromI2VInbox()
Get the list of all messages currently in the queue of I2V messages waiting to be read by this Vehicle.

Specified by:
pollAllMessagesFromI2VInbox in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the list of all messages currently in the queue of I2V messages.


public void send(V2IMessage msg)
Adds a message to the outgoing queue of messages to be delivered to an IntersectionManager.

Specified by:
send in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
msg - the message to send to an IntersectionManager


public void receive(I2VMessage msg)
Adds a message to the incoming queue of messages received from IntersectionManagers.

Specified by:
receive in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
msg - the message to send to another Vehicle


public int getBitsReceived()
Get the number of bits this Vehicle has received.

Specified by:
getBitsReceived in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the number of bits this Vehicle has received


public int getBitsTransmitted()
Get the number of bits this Vehicle has transmitted.

Specified by:
getBitsTransmitted in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the number of bits this Vehicle has transmitted


public V2IMessage getLastV2IMessage()
Get the last V2I message

Specified by:
getLastV2IMessage in interface AutoVehicleDriverView
the last V2I message

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