Class TreeHeight

  extended by scale.score.trans.Optimization
      extended by scale.score.trans.TreeHeight

public class TreeHeight
extends Optimization

Perform expression tree height reduction on a Scribble graph.

$Id:,v 1.25 2007-02-28 18:00:38 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

The tree height reduction optimization attempts to improve the performance of individual expressions by allowing more operations to be performed in parallel. For eample, consider the expression (a + (b + (c + d))). Using this order of precedence, the three addition operations must be performed sequentially. If the expression is transformed to ((a + b) + (c + d)) then two of the additons may be performed simultaneously. This will benefit superscalar architectures.

In this example, the two expressions are equivalent. However, on a digital computer using floating point operations, these two expressions may result in two different values because floating point addition is not associative.

Note also that to calculate the value of the first expression requires only five registers. One is used to hold the sum and the others hold the values of the variables. Six registers are required for the second expression as a partial sum must be kept while the other partial sum is calculated. (The number of registers required actually depends on which variables have been allocated to registers.) The net result is an increase in register pressure.

A transformation is legal if:

It is beneficial if it is legal.

Field Summary
static boolean classTrace
          True if traces are to be performed.
static boolean doHuffman
          Use Huffman coding weight balancing.
static boolean useHeuristics
          If true, use heuristics that prune the cases where the optimization is applied.
Fields inherited from class scale.score.trans.Optimization
dChanged, fpReorder, hasDummyAliases, IN_SSA, minimumExecutionCost, NA_SSA, NO_SSA, rChanged, scribble, signedIntsWrapOnOverflow, trace, un, unsafe, unsignedIntsWrapOnOverflow, VALID_SSA
Constructor Summary
TreeHeight(Scribble scribble)
Method Summary
 void perform()
          Find and reduce the height of expression trees
 int requiresSSA()
          Return whether this optimization requires that the CFG be in SSA form.
static int treesReduced()
          Return the number of expression trees found
Methods inherited from class scale.score.trans.Optimization
assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, genTemp, insertStores, setTrace, sort
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean classTrace
True if traces are to be performed.


public static boolean useHeuristics
If true, use heuristics that prune the cases where the optimization is applied.


public static boolean doHuffman
Use Huffman coding weight balancing.

Constructor Detail


public TreeHeight(Scribble scribble)
scribble - is the CFG transformed by tree height reduction
Method Detail


public static int treesReduced()
Return the number of expression trees found


public void perform()
Find and reduce the height of expression trees

Specified by:
perform in class Optimization


public int requiresSSA()
Return whether this optimization requires that the CFG be in SSA form. It returns either
the CFG must not be in SSA form,
the CFG must be in SSA form,
the CFG must be in valid SSA form, or
the CFG does not need to be in valid SSA form.

requiresSSA in class Optimization