Class URJ

  extended by scale.score.trans.Optimization
      extended by scale.score.trans.URJ

public class URJ
extends Optimization

This class performs unroll & jam.

$Id:,v 1.123 2007-10-29 13:42:27 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

For each loop, we first try to flatten it. If that fails, we next try to unroll it as a for-loop. If that fails, we try to unroll it as a while-loop. If that fails, we give up. The following is the decision tree for this process. By flattening, we mean unrolling the loop by its known iteration count, removing the exit test, and removing the back edge of the loop.

For target architectures that have instruction blocks of fixed size (e.g., Trips), an attempt is made to unroll or flatten so that the blocks are filled.

Field Summary
static boolean classTrace
          True if traces are to be performed.
static int defaultMinUnrollFactor
          Controls the number of times a loop is unrolled.
static boolean doPropagation
          Do back propagation of induction variables after unrolling.
static boolean inhibitFlattenLoops
          If true, inhibits loop flattening.
static boolean inhibitForLoops
          If true, inhibits for-loop unrolling.
static boolean inhibitWhileLoops
          If true, inhibits while-loop unrolling.
static int maxLoopBlocks
          The maximum size, in "blocks", of an unrolled or flattened loop when using instruction estimates.
static int maxLoopCFGNodes
          The maximum size, in CFG nodes, of an unrolled or flattened loop.
static double minLoopHeaderExecRatio
          If path profiling is used, this is the minimum execution ratio that a loop header needs in order for its loop to be unrolled.
static int minNewAvgTripCount
          If path profiling is used and the exact loop iteration is not known, this is the minimum allowed trip count of the unrolled loop.
static boolean peel
          True if loop peeling is to be performed.
static boolean useHeuristics
          If true, use heuristics that prune the cases where the optimization is applied.
static boolean useInstCountEstimates
          If true, use estimated instruction counts instead of node counts.
Fields inherited from class scale.score.trans.Optimization
dChanged, fpReorder, hasDummyAliases, IN_SSA, minimumExecutionCost, NA_SSA, NO_SSA, rChanged, scribble, signedIntsWrapOnOverflow, trace, un, unsafe, unsignedIntsWrapOnOverflow, VALID_SSA
Constructor Summary
URJ(Scribble scribble)
Method Summary
static int flattened()
          Return the number of loops that were flattened.
 java.lang.String getUnrollLoopKindString(int loopKind)
          Convert the unroll status to a string for display.
static int newCFGNodes()
          Return the number of new nodes created.
 void perform()
          Perform the optimization.
 int requiresSSA()
          Return whether this optimization requires that the CFG be in SSA form.
static int unrolled()
          Return the number of for loops that were unrolled.
static int unrolledWhile()
          Return the number of while loops that were unrolled.
Methods inherited from class scale.score.trans.Optimization
assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, genTemp, insertStores, setTrace, sort
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean doPropagation
Do back propagation of induction variables after unrolling.


public static int maxLoopCFGNodes
The maximum size, in CFG nodes, of an unrolled or flattened loop. Default is 256.


public static int maxLoopBlocks
The maximum size, in "blocks", of an unrolled or flattened loop when using instruction estimates. Default is 4.


public static boolean classTrace
True if traces are to be performed.


public static boolean useHeuristics
If true, use heuristics that prune the cases where the optimization is applied.


public static boolean useInstCountEstimates
If true, use estimated instruction counts instead of node counts. Instruction count estimates are not accurate for all target architectures. Instead of using maxLoopCFGNodes, the value of maxLoopBlocks×Machine.getMaxBlockSize() is used determine the maximum loop size.


public static boolean peel
True if loop peeling is to be performed.


public static int defaultMinUnrollFactor
Controls the number of times a loop is unrolled. This is the default number of times to unroll a loop when the loop iteration count is unknown. This value must be greater than 1.


public static boolean inhibitWhileLoops
If true, inhibits while-loop unrolling.


public static boolean inhibitForLoops
If true, inhibits for-loop unrolling.


public static boolean inhibitFlattenLoops
If true, inhibits loop flattening.


public static double minLoopHeaderExecRatio
If path profiling is used, this is the minimum execution ratio that a loop header needs in order for its loop to be unrolled. The execution ratio is the ratio of the execution frequency of a loop header to the flow (using the unit metric) of the entire program.


public static int minNewAvgTripCount
If path profiling is used and the exact loop iteration is not known, this is the minimum allowed trip count of the unrolled loop.

Constructor Detail


public URJ(Scribble scribble)
Method Detail


public static int unrolled()
Return the number of for loops that were unrolled.


public static int unrolledWhile()
Return the number of while loops that were unrolled.


public static int flattened()
Return the number of loops that were flattened.


public static int newCFGNodes()
Return the number of new nodes created.


public void perform()
Description copied from class: Optimization
Perform the optimization. Each optimization must specify after it completes. The Scribble class provides methods that may be used to sepcify this information.

Specified by:
perform in class Optimization


public int requiresSSA()
Return whether this optimization requires that the CFG be in SSA form. It returns either
the CFG must not be in SSA form,
the CFG must be in SSA form,
the CFG must be in valid SSA form, or
the CFG does not need to be in valid SSA form.

requiresSSA in class Optimization


public java.lang.String getUnrollLoopKindString(int loopKind)
Convert the unroll status to a string for display.