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Section 5.1 Tentative program at a glance

The below is a placeholder schedule that may see minor adjustments.

All times are Central Daylight Time (CDT). In other words, the time in Texas.

Check current time in Austin

For each talk

  • Participants are expected to have viewed the three-minute "short video."

  • Interested parties will have also looked in detail at the additional materials.

  • During the workshop, there will be a 10-minute period (unless indicted otherwise) of discussion for each talk. That period starts with the speaker discussing the "In conclusion" slide. After that, there will be Q&A session.

It is likely that some "talks" do not draw a full 10 minutes of discussion. In that case, we will move on to the next "talk." Thus, the start of a session is where we synchronize, but within a session we may get slightly ahead of or behind schedule.

Eventually we may add recordings of the discussions to each "talk," with permission of those who participated in the discussion. So, you should feel free to say what you want in front of the workshop audience. If you say something you later regret, then we will work with you to edit that out.

10:00- Zoom session, breakout rooms, and Discord are open for mingling.
(Click on "Breakout room" at bottom of zoom window.)
10:55-11:00 Welcome
Robert van de Geijn
11:00am - noon Session 1 Moderator: Devangi Parikh
Devin Matthews BLIS: from BLAS to Tensor Contraction,
Mixed-Precision, and Beyond (20 minutes)
RuQing Xu BLIS and TBLIS for the Undocumented Apple
Matrix Coprocessor
Nicholai Tukanov Matrix Engines for DLA Libraries
John Linford Moved to Session 3
Additional discussion
noon - 1:00pm Session 2 Moderator: Richard Veras
Evgeny Epifanovsky Using mixed-domain BLIS for computing
correlation energy in quantum chemistry
Natalie Beams A mixed-precision future in libCEED: flexible
acceleration options for matrix-free element
discretization operators
Field Van Zee Ask me anything (20 minutes)
Additional discussion
1:00pm - 2:00pm Session 3 Moderator: Greg Henry
Jeff Diamond JavaBLIS
Adrian Castello Gimeno Improving BLIS code-generation and
portability via TVM
Aravind Sankaran Make Intelligent Performance Measurements
with Reinforcement Learning
John Linford BLIS Performance Projections on Future Arm CPUs
Marat Dukhan Cancelled
Additional discussion
2:00pm - 3:00pm Session 4 Moderator: Devin Matthews
Devangi Parikh/Greg Henry BLIS: Extending Precision
Robert vdG/Maggie Myers Twenty years of FLAME lighting the way
Jim Demmel Proposed consistent exception handling for the
Open format discussion Participants are encouraged to discuss topics
presented throughout the day and/or to
present recent results that were not quite
ready for a formal presentation.
3:00pm- At the white board discussion Zoom session and breakout rooms continue to be
open for mingling.
In past years, after the BLIS retreat, various people would often find a white board to
brain storm. We hope to recreate this during this time.