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Subsection 0.2.2 Cloning the ALAFF repository

We have placed all materials on GitHub, a development environment for software projects. In our case, we use it to disseminate the various activities associated with this course.

On the computer on which you have chosen to work, "clone" the GitHub repository for this course:

  • Visit

  • Click on

    and copy

  • On the computer where you intend to work, in a terminal session on the command line in the directory where you would like to place the materials, execute

    git clone

    This will create a local copy (clone) of the materials.

  • Sometimes we will update some of the files from the repository. When this happens you will want to execute, in the cloned directory,

    git stash save

    which saves any local changes you have made, followed by

    git pull

    which updates your local copy of the repository, followed by

    git stash pop

    which restores local changes you made. This last step may require you to "merge" files that were changed in the repository that conflict with local changes.

Upon completion of the cloning, you will have a directory structure similar to that given in Figure

Figure Directory structure for your ALAFF materials. In this example, we cloned the repository in Robert's home directory, rvdg.