Recursion and Induction -- CS 389r -- Homework


For the first half of the semester, homework will be assigned every Tuesday, and usually it will be due nine days later on Thursday by the start of class. Homework submission will be done electronically; the class TA will announce how to submit your homework. Remember, late homework will not accepted, but the lowest homework grade received will be dropped. Assignments will appear here as the semester progresses.

If you think that since you can drop one homework assignments, that it's OK to skip a homework, you are mistaken. In the body of homework assignments, various topics will be discussed. It is expected that even if you do not turn in a homework assignment, that you become familiar with the material discussed or referenced in the assignment itself. Thus, you are responsible for understanding and being able to use the concepts embodied in the homework assignments -- even if you don't turn in some of your homework assignments.

NOTE: The most accurate indicator of what grade a student will receive is their grades on homework assignments. Students that submit all of the homework generally out perform students that are lax about their homework. In this class, what you learn will be directly related to the effort you put forward on the homework and your final project.

You may discuss the homework questions with your peers, but the final product that you submit must be your own work. We want you to learn with and from your peers, but each of you is responsible for your own work.

Homework Assignments

  • Homework Assignment 0. Given: January 14, 2025, Due: January 28, 2025.

  • Homework Assignment 1. Given: January 23, 2025, Due: February 4, 2025.

  • Homework Assignment 2. Given: January 30, 2025, Due: February 6, 2025.

  • Homework Assignment 3. Given: February 4, 2025, Due: February 13, 2025.

  • Homework Assignment 4. Given: February 11, 2025, Due: February 20, 2025.

  • Homework Assignment 5. Given: February 18, 2025, Due: February 27, 2025.