Generate a C statement from an ACL2 term.
(atc-gen-stmt term gin state) → (mv erp gout)
At the same time, we check that the term is a statement term, as described in the user documentation.
If the term is a conditional, there are two cases.
If the test is mbt,
we recursively generate code just for the `then' branch,
and then we delegate the rest to a separate function;
note that we do not extend the context with the test,
because the test is redundant, implied by the guard.
If the test is not mbt,
we generate an
If the term is a mv-let,
there are three cases.
If the term involves a
If the term is a let, there are seven cases.
If the binding has the form of a write to a pointed integer,
we generate an assignment where the left-hand side
uses the indirection unary operator.
If the binding has the form of an array write,
we generate an array assignment.
If the binding has the form of a structure scalar member write,
we generate an assignment to
the member of the structure,
by value or by pointer
If the binding has the form of a structure array member write,
we generate an assignment to
the element of the member of the structure,
by value or by pointer.
The other three cases are similar to
the three mv-let cases above.
The limit is calculated as follows.
For the case of the term representing code that affects variables,
we add up the two limits,
similarly to the mv-let case.
For the other cases, we have one block item followed by block items.
First, we need 1 to go from exec-block-item-list
to exec-block-item.
Then we take the sum of the limit for the first block item
and the limit for the remaining block items
(in principle we could take the maximum,
but see the discussion above for if
for why we take the sum instead).
The first block item is a declaration, an assignment, or a function call.
If it is a declaration, we need 1 to go from exec-block-item
to the
If the term is a single variable
If the term is an mv, there are three cases.
If the loop flag is
If the term is a call of a recursive target function on its formals,
different from the current function
If the term is a call of the current function
If the term is a call of
a non-recursive target function that returns
If the term does not have any of the forms above,
we treat it as an expression term returning a C value.
We ensure that the loop flag is
(defun atc-gen-stmt (term gin state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp term) (stmt-ginp gin)))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-gen-stmt)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) (irr-stmt-gout)) (wrld (w state)) ((stmt-gin gin) gin) ((mv okp test-term then-term else-term) (fty-check-if-call term)) ((when okp) (b* (((mv mbtp test-arg-term) (check-mbt-call test-term)) ((when mbtp) (b* (((erp (stmt-gout then)) (atc-gen-stmt then-term gin state)) (gin (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index then.thm-index :names-to-avoid then.names-to-avoid :proofs (and then.thm-name t)))) (atc-gen-mbt-block-items test-arg-term then.term else-term then.items then.type then.limit then.thm-name then.context then.inscope gin state))) ((erp (expr-gout test)) (atc-gen-expr-bool test-term (make-expr-gin :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :prec-tags gin.prec-tags :fn gin.fn :fn-guard gin.fn-guard :compst-var gin.compst-var :thm-index gin.thm-index :names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid :proofs gin.proofs) state)) ((erp (stmt-gout then) then-context-start then-context-end) (b* (((reterr) (irr-stmt-gout) (irr-atc-context) (irr-atc-context)) (then-cond (untranslate$ test.term t state)) (then-premise (atc-premise-test then-cond)) (then-context-start (atc-context-extend gin.context (list then-premise))) ((mv then-inscope then-enter-scope-context then-enter-scope-events thm-index names-to-avoid) (if test.thm-name (atc-gen-enter-inscope gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.inscope then-context-start gin.compst-var gin.prec-tags test.thm-index test.names-to-avoid wrld) (mv (cons nil gin.inscope) then-context-start nil test.thm-index test.names-to-avoid))) ((erp gout) (atc-gen-stmt then-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context then-enter-scope-context :inscope then-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and test.thm-name t)) state)) (then-context-end (stmt-gout->context gout))) (retok (change-stmt-gout gout :events (append then-enter-scope-events (stmt-gout->events gout))) then-context-start then-context-end))) ((erp (stmt-gout else) else-context-start else-context-end) (b* (((reterr) (irr-stmt-gout) (irr-atc-context) (irr-atc-context)) (not-test-term (cons 'not (cons test.term 'nil))) (else-cond (untranslate$ not-test-term t state)) (else-premise (atc-premise-test else-cond)) (else-context-start (atc-context-extend gin.context (list else-premise))) ((mv else-inscope else-enter-scope-context else-enter-scope-events thm-index names-to-avoid) (if test.thm-name (atc-gen-enter-inscope gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.inscope else-context-start gin.compst-var gin.prec-tags then.thm-index then.names-to-avoid wrld) (mv (cons nil gin.inscope) else-context-start nil then.thm-index then.names-to-avoid))) ((erp gout) (atc-gen-stmt else-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context else-enter-scope-context :inscope else-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and test.thm-name t)) state)) (else-context-end (stmt-gout->context gout))) (retok (change-stmt-gout gout :events (append else-enter-scope-events (stmt-gout->events gout))) else-context-start else-context-end)))) (atc-gen-if/ifelse-stmt test.term then.term else.term test.expr then.items else.items test.type then.type else.type then.limit else.limit test.thm-name then.thm-name else.thm-name then-context-start else-context-start then-context-end else-context-end then.inscope else.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index else.thm-index :names-to-avoid else.names-to-avoid :proofs (and test.thm-name then.thm-name else.thm-name t)) state))) ((mv okp var? vars indices val-term body-term wrapper? mv-var) (atc-check-mv-let term)) ((when okp) (b* ((all-vars (if var? (cons var? vars) vars)) (val-instance (fty-fsublis-var gin.var-term-alist val-term)) (vals (atc-make-mv-nth-terms indices val-instance)) (var-term-alist-body (atc-update-var-term-alist all-vars vals gin.var-term-alist)) ((when (eq wrapper? 'declar)) (b* ((var var?) ((mv info? & errorp) (atc-check-var var gin.inscope)) ((when errorp) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ a new variable ~x1 has been encountered ~ that has the same symbol name as, ~ but different package name from, ~ a variable already in scope. ~ This is disallowed." gin.fn var))) ((when info?) (reterr (msg "The variable ~x0 in the function ~x1 ~ is already in scope and cannot be re-declared." var gin.fn))) ((unless (paident-stringp (symbol-name var))) (reterr (msg "The symbol name ~s0 of ~ the MV-LET variable ~x1 of the function ~x2 ~ must be a portable ASCII C identifier, ~ but it is not." (symbol-name var) var gin.fn))) ((mv info?-list innermostp-list) (atc-get-vars-check-innermost vars gin.inscope)) ((when (member-eq nil info?-list)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an attempt is made to modify the variables ~x1, ~ not all of which are in scope." gin.fn vars))) ((unless (atc-vars-assignablep vars innermostp-list gin.affect)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an attempt is made to modify the variables ~x1, ~ not all of which are assignable." gin.fn vars))) ((erp init.expr init.type & & & init.limit & & & init.thm-index init.names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr val-term (change-stmt-gin gin :affect vars) state)) ((when (or (type-case init.type :pointer) (type-case init.type :array))) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ the term ~x1 of type ~x2 ~ is being assigned to a new variable ~x3. ~ This is currently disallowed, ~ because it would create an alias." gin.fn val-term init.type var))) ((erp) (atc-ensure-formals-not-lost vars gin.affect gin.typed-formals gin.fn wrld)) ((mv tyspec declor) (ident+type-to-tyspec+declor (make-ident :name (symbol-name var)) init.type)) (declon (make-obj-declon :scspec (scspecseq-none) :tyspec tyspec :declor declor :init? (initer-single init.expr))) (item (block-item-declon declon)) (varinfo (make-atc-var-info :type init.type :thm nil :externalp nil)) (inscope-body (atc-add-var var varinfo gin.inscope)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :inscope inscope-body :thm-index init.thm-index :names-to-avoid init.names-to-avoid :proofs nil) state)) (type body.type) (limit (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list (pseudo-term-quote 3) (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list init.limit body.limit)))))) (retok (make-stmt-gout :items (cons item body.items) :type type :term term :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :limit limit :events (append :thm-name nil :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid)))) ((when (eq wrapper? 'assign)) (b* ((var var?) ((mv info? innermostp &) (atc-check-var var gin.inscope)) ((unless info?) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an attempt is being made ~ to modify a variable ~x1 not in scope." gin.fn var))) ((unless (atc-var-assignablep var innermostp gin.affect)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an attempt is being made ~ to modify a non-assignable variable ~x1." gin.fn var))) (prev-type (atc-var-info->type info?)) ((erp rhs.expr rhs.type & & & rhs.limit & & & rhs.thm-index rhs.names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr val-term (change-stmt-gin gin :affect vars) state)) ((unless (equal prev-type rhs.type)) (reterr (msg "The type ~x0 of the term ~x1 ~ assigned to the LET variable ~x2 ~ of the function ~x3 ~ differs from the type ~x4 ~ of a variable with the same symbol in scope." rhs.type val-term var gin.fn prev-type))) ((erp) (atc-ensure-formals-not-lost vars gin.affect gin.typed-formals gin.fn wrld)) ((when (type-case rhs.type :array)) (reterr (msg "The term ~x0 to which the variable ~x1 is bound ~ must not have a C array type, ~ but it has type ~x2 instead." val-term var rhs.type))) ((when (type-case rhs.type :pointer)) (reterr (msg "The term ~x0 to which the variable ~x1 is bound ~ must not have a C pointer type, ~ but it has type ~x2 instead." val-term var rhs.type))) (asg (make-expr-binary :op (binop-asg) :arg1 (expr-ident (make-ident :name (symbol-name var))) :arg2 rhs.expr)) (stmt (stmt-expr asg)) (item (block-item-stmt stmt)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :thm-index rhs.thm-index :names-to-avoid rhs.names-to-avoid :proofs nil) state)) (type body.type) (limit (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list (pseudo-term-quote 6) (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list rhs.limit body.limit)))))) (retok (make-stmt-gout :items (cons item body.items) :type type :term term :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :limit limit :events (append :thm-name nil :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid)))) ((unless (eq wrapper? nil)) (reterr (raise "Internal error: MV-LET wrapper is ~x0." wrapper?))) ((mv info?-list innermostp-list) (atc-get-vars-check-innermost vars gin.inscope)) ((when (member-eq nil info?-list)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an attempt is made to modify the variables ~x1, ~ not all of which are in scope." gin.fn vars))) ((unless (atc-vars-assignablep vars innermostp-list gin.affect)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an attempt is made to modify the variables ~x1, ~ not all of which are assignable." gin.fn vars))) ((unless (atc-affecting-term-for-let-p val-term gin.prec-fns)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an MV-LET has been encountered ~ whose term ~x1 to which the variables are bound ~ does not have the required form." gin.fn val-term))) ((erp) (atc-ensure-formals-not-lost vars gin.affect gin.typed-formals gin.fn wrld)) ((erp (stmt-gout xform)) (atc-gen-stmt val-term (change-stmt-gin gin :affect vars :loop-flag nil) state)) ((unless (type-case xform.type :void)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an MV-LET has been encountered ~ whose term ~x1 to which the variables are bound ~ has the non-void type ~x2, ~ which is disallowed." gin.fn val-term xform.type))) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context xform.context :inscope xform.inscope :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :thm-index xform.thm-index :names-to-avoid xform.names-to-avoid :proofs (and xform.thm-name t)) state)) ((unless (equal (len all-vars) (len indices))) (reterr (raise "Internal error: ~ variables ~x0 and indices ~x1 ~ do not match in number." all-vars indices))) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (acl2::make-mv-let-call mv-var all-vars indices xform.term body.term))) (items (append xform.items body.items)) (type body.type) (limit (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list xform.limit body.limit)))) (retok (make-stmt-gout :items items :type type :term term :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :limit limit :events (append :thm-name nil :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid)))) ((mv okp var val-term body-term wrapper?) (atc-check-let term)) ((when okp) (b* ((val-instance (fty-fsublis-var gin.var-term-alist val-term)) (var-term-alist-body (atc-update-var-term-alist (list var) (list val-instance) gin.var-term-alist)) ((erp okp fn arg-term type) (atc-check-integer-write val-term)) ((when okp) (b* (((erp asg-item asg-term asg-limit asg-events asg-thm new-inscope new-context thm-index names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-block-item-integer-asg var val-term arg-term type fn wrapper? gin state)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context new-context :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :inscope new-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and asg-thm t)) state)) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons var 'nil) (cons body.term 'nil))) (cons asg-term 'nil)))) (items-gout (atc-gen-block-item-list-cons term asg-item asg-limit asg-events asg-thm body.items body.limit body.thm-name body.type body.context body.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid :proofs (and body.thm-name t)) state))) (retok items-gout))) ((erp okp fn sub-term elem-term elem-type) (atc-check-array-write var val-term)) ((when okp) (b* (((erp asg-item asg-term asg-limit asg-events asg-thm new-inscope new-context thm-index names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-block-item-array-asg var val-term sub-term elem-term elem-type fn wrapper? gin state)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context new-context :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :inscope new-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and asg-thm t)) state)) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons var 'nil) (cons body.term 'nil))) (cons asg-term 'nil)))) (items-gout (atc-gen-block-item-list-cons term asg-item asg-limit asg-events asg-thm body.items body.limit body.thm-name body.type body.context body.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid :proofs (and body.thm-name t)) state))) (retok items-gout))) ((erp okp fn member-term tag member-name member-type) (atc-check-struct-write-scalar var val-term gin.prec-tags)) ((when okp) (b* (((erp asg-item asg-term asg-limit asg-events asg-thm new-inscope new-context thm-index names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-block-item-struct-scalar-asg var val-term tag member-name member-term member-type fn wrapper? gin state)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context new-context :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :inscope new-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and asg-thm t)) state)) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons var 'nil) (cons body.term 'nil))) (cons asg-term 'nil)))) (items-gout (atc-gen-block-item-list-cons term asg-item asg-limit asg-events asg-thm body.items body.limit body.thm-name body.type body.context body.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid :proofs (and body.thm-name t)) state))) (retok items-gout))) ((erp okp fn index-term elem-term tag member-name elem-type flexiblep) (atc-check-struct-write-array var val-term gin.prec-tags)) ((when okp) (b* (((erp asg-item asg-term asg-limit asg-events asg-thm new-inscope new-context thm-index names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-block-item-struct-array-asg var val-term tag member-name index-term elem-term elem-type flexiblep fn wrapper? gin state)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context new-context :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :inscope new-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and asg-thm t)) state)) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons var 'nil) (cons body.term 'nil))) (cons asg-term 'nil)))) (items-gout (atc-gen-block-item-list-cons term asg-item asg-limit asg-events asg-thm body.items body.limit body.thm-name body.type body.context body.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid :proofs (and body.thm-name t)) state))) (retok items-gout))) ((mv info? innermostp errorp) (atc-check-var var gin.inscope)) ((when errorp) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ a new variable ~x1 has been encountered ~ that has the same symbol name as, ~ but different package name from, ~ a variable already in scope. ~ This is disallowed." gin.fn var))) ((when (eq wrapper? 'declar)) (b* (((erp decl-item decl-term decl-limit decl-events decl-thm new-inscope new-context thm-index names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-block-item-var-decl var info? val-term gin state)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context new-context :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :inscope new-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and decl-thm t)) state)) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons var 'nil) (cons body.term 'nil))) (cons decl-term 'nil)))) (items-gout (atc-gen-block-item-list-cons term decl-item decl-limit decl-events decl-thm body.items body.limit body.thm-name body.type body.context body.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid :proofs (and body.thm-name t)) state))) (retok items-gout))) ((unless (atc-var-assignablep var innermostp gin.affect)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ an attempt is being made ~ to modify a non-assignable variable ~x1." gin.fn var))) ((when (eq wrapper? 'assign)) (b* (((erp asg-item asg-term asg-limit asg-events asg-thm new-inscope new-context thm-index names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-block-item-var-asg var info? val-term gin state)) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context new-context :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :inscope new-inscope :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and asg-thm t)) state)) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons var 'nil) (cons body.term 'nil))) (cons asg-term 'nil)))) (items-gout (atc-gen-block-item-list-cons term asg-item asg-limit asg-events asg-thm body.items body.limit body.thm-name body.type body.context body.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid :proofs (and body.thm-name t)) state))) (retok items-gout))) ((unless (eq wrapper? nil)) (reterr (raise "Internal error: LET wrapper is ~x0." wrapper?))) ((unless (atc-affecting-term-for-let-p val-term gin.prec-fns)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ we encountered a LET binding ~ of the variable ~x1 to the term ~x2 ~ that does not have any of the allowed forms. ~ See the user documentation." gin.fn var val-term))) ((erp) (atc-ensure-formals-not-lost (list var) gin.affect gin.typed-formals gin.fn wrld)) ((erp (stmt-gout xform)) (atc-gen-stmt val-term (change-stmt-gin gin :affect (list var) :loop-flag nil) state)) ((unless (type-case xform.type :void)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ a LET has been encountered ~ whose unwrapped term ~x1 ~ to which the variable is bound ~ has the non-void type ~x2, ~ which is disallowed." gin.fn val-term xform.type))) ((erp (stmt-gout body)) (atc-gen-stmt body-term (change-stmt-gin gin :context xform.context :inscope xform.inscope :var-term-alist var-term-alist-body :thm-index xform.thm-index :names-to-avoid xform.names-to-avoid :proofs (and xform.thm-name t)) state)) (term (acl2::close-lambdas (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons var 'nil) (cons body.term 'nil))) (cons xform.term 'nil))))) (if (consp body.items) (retok (atc-gen-block-item-list-append term xform.items body.items xform.limit body.limit xform.thm-name body.thm-name body.type body.context body.inscope (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index body.thm-index :names-to-avoid body.names-to-avoid :proofs (and body.thm-name t)) state)) (retok (change-stmt-gout xform :term term))))) ((when (and (pseudo-term-case term :var) (equal gin.affect (list (pseudo-term-var->name term))))) (if gin.loop-flag (reterr (msg "A loop body must end with ~ a recursive call on every path, ~ but in the function ~x0 it ends with ~x1 instead." gin.fn term)) (retok (atc-gen-block-item-list-none term gin state)))) ((mv okp terms) (fty-check-list-call term)) ((when okp) (b* (((unless (>= (len terms) 2)) (reterr (raise "Internal error: MV applied to ~x0." terms))) ((when gin.loop-flag) (reterr (msg "A loop body must end with ~ a recursive call on every path, ~ but in the function ~x0 it ends with ~x1 instead." gin.fn term)))) (cond ((equal terms gin.affect) (retok (atc-gen-block-item-list-none (acl2::make-cons-nest terms) gin state))) ((equal (cdr terms) gin.affect) (atc-gen-return-stmt (car terms) t gin state)) (t (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ a term ~x0 has been encountered, ~ which is disallowed." gin.fn term)))))) ((mv okp loop-fn loop-args in-types loop-affect loop-stmt loop-limit) (atc-check-loop-call term gin.var-term-alist gin.prec-fns)) ((when okp) (b* (((when gin.loop-flag) (reterr (msg "A loop body must end with ~ a recursive call on every path, ~ but in the function ~x0 it ends with ~x1 instead." gin.fn term))) (formals (formals+ loop-fn wrld)) ((unless (equal formals loop-args)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ a call of the recursive function ~x1 ~ has been encountered ~ that is not on its formals, ~ but instead on the arguments ~x2. This is disallowed; see the ATC user documentation." gin.fn loop-fn loop-args))) ((unless (equal gin.affect loop-affect)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ a call of the recursive function ~x1 ~ has been encountered that represents a loop affecting ~x2, ~ which differs from the variables ~x3 ~ being affected here." gin.fn loop-fn loop-affect gin.affect))) (infos (atc-get-vars formals gin.inscope)) ((unless (atc-var-info-listp infos)) (reterr (raise "Internal error: not all formals ~x0 have information ~x1." formals infos))) (types (atc-var-info-list->type-list infos)) ((unless (equal types in-types)) (reterr (msg "The loop function ~x0 with input types ~x1 ~ is applied to terms ~x2 returning ~x3. ~ This is indicative of dead code under the guards, ~ given that the code is guard-verified." loop-fn in-types formals types))) (limit (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list (pseudo-term-quote 3) loop-limit)))) (retok (make-stmt-gout :items (list (block-item-stmt loop-stmt)) :type (type-void) :term term :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :limit limit :events nil :thm-name nil :thm-index gin.thm-index :names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid)))) ((when (equal term (cons gin.fn (formals+ gin.fn wrld)))) (if gin.loop-flag (retok (make-stmt-gout :items nil :type (type-void) :term term :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :limit (pseudo-term-quote 1) :events nil :thm-name nil :thm-index gin.thm-index :names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid)) (reterr (msg "When generating code for the recursive function ~x0, ~ a recursive call to the loop function occurs ~ not at the end of the computation on some path." gin.fn)))) ((erp okp called-fn arg-terms in-types out-type fn-affect extobjs limit called-fn-guard) (atc-check-cfun-call term gin.var-term-alist gin.prec-fns wrld)) ((when (and okp (type-case out-type :void))) (atc-gen-cfun-call-stmt called-fn arg-terms in-types fn-affect extobjs limit called-fn-guard gin state)) ((when gin.loop-flag) (reterr (msg "A loop body must end with ~ a recursive call on every path, ~ but in the function ~x0 it ends with ~x1 instead." gin.fn term)))) (atc-gen-return-stmt term nil gin state))))
(defthm stmt-goutp-of-atc-gen-stmt.gout (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?gout) (atc-gen-stmt term gin state))) (stmt-goutp gout)) :rule-classes :rewrite)