Copyright © 2000 by Gordon S. Novak Jr.
Permission is granted for individuals to make copies of these notes for personal use, or for instructors to make copies for classroom use.
abs 42
abstraction 21
actual 54
address 205
address space 231
ai 30
algorithm 24
ambiguity 198
and 49
anonymous 157
architecture 28
artificial intelligence 30
ascii 162
assignment 80
assoc 118
association list 117, 141, 145
assq 117
assv 117
atan 43
auxiliary function 67
backquote 218
bag 123
base case 65
big o 84
binding 38, 45, 55, 59, 80, 94, 145, 221
bomb-proof 31
bound 54
box diagram 100
c++ 190
cadddr 97
call by value 214
call by reference 214
case 92
char->integer 164
char-downcase 164
char-upcase 164
char=? 163
character 162
cipher 172
close 188
close-input-port 188
close-output-port 188
combination 37
comments 61
compilation 241
complex? 48
cond 51
copy-list 128
copy-tree 133
copying garbage collection 232
correct 25
data abstraction 180
declarations 192
declarative 120
dereference 206
design pattern 66, 69, 106, 108, 134, 135
destructive operations 112, 174
display 187
do 89
dolist 122
dot notation 219
dotimes 82
dotted pair 145
else 51
encryption 172
eq? 103
equal? 103
eqv? 103
even? 48
every 131
exact 42
exact? 48
expression 194
expt 42
#f 48
field 204
filename 188
float 43
for-each 156
formal 54
fourth 97
free storage list 228
functional programming 80
garbage 229
garbage collection 229
gcd 42
global 75
global variable 79
heap 228
i/o 187
identifier 39
implicit begin 62
incremental 234
indentation 197
index 158
inexact 43
inexact? 48
infinite loop 64
infix 194
initialize 73
input-port? 188
input/output 187
integer 42
integer->char 164
integer? 48
interpreter 221
isomorphism 20
java 190
keywords 39
lambda 157
lambda expression 157
language 22
last 107
lcm 42
length 102
let 73
let* 76
lexical scoping 78
lexical scope 191
lisp interpreter 221
lisp reader 236
list->string 169
list->vector 161
list-ref 121
list-tail 121
list? 121
machine language 22
macro 215
make-string 166
make-vector 159
map 156
mark 230
mark-and-sweep 230
match 144
match? 147
matching 150
max 42
memq 115
memv 115
method 181
min 42
mnemonic 40
modulo 42
multiset 123
negative? 48
network 27
newline 187
nil 205
not 50
nreverse 178
null 205
number? 48
numerical analysis 32
object 181
object-oriented programming 180
odd? 48
oop 180
open 188
open-input-file 188
open-output-file 188
optimization 152
or 50
order 84
output-port? 188
parameter 214
pascal 190
pattern matching 144
performance 84
port 188
positive? 48
postfix 194
precedence 194
prefix 194
program 21
programming 21
quasiquote 218
quotation 94
quote 94
rational 42
rational? 48
reader 236
real 43
real-time 231
real? 48
recognition 149
record 204
recursion on list 106
recursive case 65
reference counting 233
representation 20
rest 96
reverse polish 194
rpn 194
rules 146
second 97
selector 181
set 123
set difference 124
set! 80
set-car! 174
set-cdr! 174
shadow 55
side-effect 80
simulation 20
software engineering 31
some 132
stack frame 54
state 68
stream 189
string 165
string->list 169
string-append 170
string-copy 170
string-fill! 170
string-length 169
string-ref 167
string-set! 167
string=? 168
structure 99
structure sharing 112
subset? 129
substring 171
sweep 230
symbol 93
#t 48
tag 240
tail recursion 70
tail recursion on list 108
tan 43
theory 25
third 97
top level 100
top-down design 220
trace 71
transformation 150
type 41
type checking 191
unary 194
unbound 45
variables 73
vector 158
vector->list 161
vector-fill! 161
vector-length 161
vector-ref 160
vector-set! 160
well-founded ordering 64
while 86
write 187
write-char 187
zero? 48