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HackTX brings students together for a 24-hour hackathon

10/02/2015 - More than 600 students from 10 universities competed to create viable working software in a 24 hour hackathon over the weekend. HackTX began Saturday at 1 p.m. and concluded Sunday at 11 a.m., after which the teams were judged on innovation, usefulness and creativity. The top 10 teams then presented their work to a panel of technology CEOs and fellow students.

<div> Day Promotes Diversity in Tech Fields

04/28/2015 - This past Thursday April 23rd the first &lt;div&gt; Day was held in the Gates Dell Complex. &lt;div&gt; Day was designed to be a discussion about diversity and inclusion in the technology field and is intended to raise awareness, build community, and empower participants. The students that put the event on had a bigger goal, of informing the UTCS student body of how diversity can benefit the technology field.

Turing Award Recipient Gives Talk in Conjunction with 50th Anniversary of Moore's Law

04/24/2015 - In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Moore's Law, Turing Award Recipient Chuck Thacker will give a lecture on April 29th titled "Computing After Moore’s Law." For fifty years the computing industry has had the luxury of an exponential improvement in the performance and density of the technology on which it relies. Moore’s Law, originally an “observation” with a time horizon of “a few years” has continued for most of the life of the industry.

First Bytes 2014

06/27/2014 - The twelfth annual First Bytes Summer Camp, sponsored by UTCS, kicked off on June 15th on the university campus. The free weeklong camp showcases the potential of a career in technology to selected Texas high school girls.

UTCS Hosts 5th Annual UIL Computing Contest


03/06/2014 - On Saturday, February 1st, the computer science department hosted 172 students from 32 different high schools at the 5th annual UTCS University Interscholastic League (UIL) Contest. Teams from all over the state traveled to compete in the open format contest.

Explore UT 2014

03/06/2014 - Explore UT, a campus community engagement event held each March, invites the public to experience UT. Thousands of people explored the UTCS program, discovering the fun of computer science, engaging in artificial intelligence, software programming, gaming, graphics and visualization, and chatting with academic advisers.

2014 FoCS Career Night

02/01/2014 - The 2014 Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) Career Night was held on January 29 in the Atrium of the Bill and Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall.

2014 Scholarship Lunch

02/01/2014 - UTCS recognized scholarship recipients, scholarship donors, and Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) partners with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on January 29, 2014.

FoCS Career Brunch 2013

09/16/2013 - The University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science (UTCS) Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) 2013 Career Brunch was held in conjunction with the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Career Expo on September 16, 2013 at the Frank Erwin Center.