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Carol Thompson's "Back to Basics" A Networking and Communications Skills Seminar

03/03/2003 - Want the competitive edge in interviewing and other business opportunities? In today's climate, communication is one of the most valuable skills you can have and networking is a "must have" tool in your business tool box. Learn now how to effectively network in the business and/or academic environments to create new opportunities.

Explore UT

03/01/2003 - On Saturday, March 1, Texans of all ages are invited to EXPLORE UT, "the biggest open house in Texas." You're encouraged to attend, volunteer to help, and invite friends and family to enjoy 300+ free events.

Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures

01/25/2002 - The Department of Computer Sciences is proud to announce the annual Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures. The first lecture will be held Friday, January 25, 2002. Formal Methods is the topic this year.