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A.I. Expert Weighs in on Historic Computer vs. Human Contest

03/09/2016 - AlphaGo, a program that plays what many consider the most difficult of board games, Go, has just won the first of five matches against the world's top human player. The series is scheduled to continue through March 12. Developed by Google's DeepMind subsidiary, AlphaGo has already beaten the European Go champion. A few days before the latest competition, we asked Risto Miikkulainen, an artificial intelligence researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, for his thoughts on this historic contest.

Peter Stone Earns Autonomous Agents Research Award

02/16/2016 - Professor Peter Stone has been selected as the recipient of the 2016 ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award. Stone's work is exceptional in both its breadth and depth in multiagent systems. Some of his most influential work has been in reinforcement learning and multiagent learning as applied to robot soccer, autonomous traffic management, and trading agents.

Calvin Lin Wins 2015-16 President's Associates Teaching Excellence Award

01/05/2016 - President Fenves recently announced Calvin Lin as a recipient of the 2015-16 President's Associates Teaching Excellence Award. This award, established in the fall of 1980, recognizes the consistent level of excellence that Calvin has achieved in teaching undergraduates within the Department of Computer Science.

Warren Hunt Named ACM 2015 Distinguished Engineer

11/30/2015 - Professor Warren Hunt has been recognized as one of the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) 2015 Distinguished Engineers. His research involves the use of formal mathematics to write specifications for computer hardware and software and to use proof techniques to determine the validity of such specifications.

Nomadic Computing Speeds Up Big Data Analytics

11/04/2015 - University of Texas researcher designs novel way to analyze bigger datasets using supercomputers and machine learning algorithms. How do Netflix or Facebook know which movies you might like or who you might want to be friends with? Here’s a hint: It starts with a few trillion data points and involves some complicated math and a lot of smart computer programming.

Computer Science vs. Cancer: How Precision Medicine is Turning the Tables on Cancer

11/03/2015 - There are few things as full of anxiety, heartbreak, and anguish as finding out that you or someone you love has cancer. Unfortunately, it’s not at all uncommon. By the American Cancer Society’s estimates it is expected that in the year 2015 alone, there will be 1.6 million new cancer diagnoses and nearly 600,000 deaths—or roughly 1,600 people every day. But statistics are hardly necessary to realize the enormity of the problem. So far, the road to a cure has been long and complicated and with what’s seemed like no end in sight—until recently.