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Michael Dahlin's Paper is Among the Best in History of HPDC Conference

03/12/2012 - "WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications," a paper co-authored by Michael Dahlin has been selected as one of the top 20 papers in 20 years of publications from the HPDC, the International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. Co-authors of the paper, are Amin Vahdat, Tom Anderson, Eshwar Belani, David Culler, Paul Eastham, and Chad Yoshikawa.

Driving on Autopilot

02/28/2012 - Imagine driving down a street at rush hour. It’s a typical commute, but this time, you’re reading a newspaper in the backseat. The driver’s seat is empty—your car is driving itself. Sounds like a fantasy, right?

Avoiding Red Lights by Booking Ahead

02/21/2012 - Discovery News asks, "Computers can reserve your plane ticket, your hotel room and your restaurant table. Why not your place at an intersection?"