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Univ. of Texas group speeds up drug discovery with supercomputers

05/30/2012 - FierceBiotechIT | By Ryan McBride For years, drug researchers have tapped computers to take serendipity out of the discovery equation, and a group from the University of Texas at Austin has advanced computational drug discovery further with updated image-reconstruction and modeling techniques, according to the university.

Professor Peter Stone Elected AAAI Fellow

05/23/2012 - Professor Peter Stone has been elected as a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) for his significant contributions to machine learning, multiagent systems, and robotics, and pioneering applications in robot soccer, trading agents, and autonomous driving domains.

5 Ways Self-Driving Cars Will Make You Love Commuting

05/17/2012 - Ordinary Americans can't buy intelligent, self-driving cars just yet, but the technology could someday revolutionize one of the nation's most common road rituals—the morning and evening commutes that bookend the workday for millions of people.

Research Corner: Computational Drug Discovery

Research Corner: Computational Drug Discovery

04/30/2012 - Discoveries in bioinformatics provide new therapeutic interventions to disease by replacing expensive, time-consuming physical experiments with an automated computational search. Public databases now contain experimentally determined sequence and structural information for hundreds of thousands of proteins

2012 College Excellence Award Winners

04/05/2012 - Assistant Professor Mike Walfish and Software Engineer Toren Smith have both been awarded 2012 College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Excellence Awards.

Grauman Wins Young Investigator Research Award

03/28/2012 - Associate Professor Kristen Grauman is one of 26 winners selected by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as a 2012 Young Investigator (YIP) Award recipient. From a diverse pool of more than 350 candidates of university and college faculty who have attained tenure-track positioning the past five years, 26 winners were selected. ONR YIP awardees are selected based upon the merit of their research and potential contributions for game-changing advances for the Navy and Marine Corps.

No lights, no signs, no accidents - future intersections for driverless cars

03/23/2012 - Computer scientists at the University of Texas in Austin are developing intersections of the future, designed to accommodate the driverless vehicles they believe will soon take over our roads. The intersection will have no traffic lights and no stop signs, just computer programs that will talk directly to each car on the road.