Ask any robot: Future of humans and AI will be complicated
07/15/2015 - Should we heed the warnings of movies such as ‘Terminator Genisys’ and the TV show ‘Humans’?
07/15/2015 - Should we heed the warnings of movies such as ‘Terminator Genisys’ and the TV show ‘Humans’?
06/23/2015 - UT News — The University of Texas at Austin is ranked No. 19 in the world for high-impact science, according to the Nature Index, which tracks publication in the world’s top research journals — the latest in a series of global rankings that recognize UT Austin among the world’s elite research universities. UT Austin ranks No. 8 among all U.S. universities.
05/01/2015 - Every year, the Texas Exes Alcalde asks UT alumni to vote on their favorite UT professors for a teaching award called the "Texas 10." This year, UT Computer Science is proud to have our own Dr. Inderjit Dhillon represented among the winners. This prestigious award comes on the heels of Dhillon being named 2014 Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery in recognition of outstanding research. The story below is a profile of a professor who has achieved remarkable success both in his research and in the classroom.
04/15/2015 - This month marks the 50th Anniversary of Moore's Law, an observation that every couple of years, computer chip manufacturers manage to squeeze twice as many transistors onto a computer chip. Because transistors are the tiny on-off switches that perform calculations and temporarily store information, Moore’s Law also embodies the exponential increase in raw computing power that has unleashed a blizzard of tech innovations.
10/29/2014 - Using a host of methodologies, including a new statistical method developed at The University of Texas at Austin, an international collaboration of researchers have completed a large-scale DNA study that reveals important details about key transitions in the evolution of plant life on our planet.
07/31/2014 - Today, the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace(SaTC) program announced a major grant in the form of a new "Frontier" award for the establishment of a Center for Encrypted Functionalities (CEF). The center is a collaboration among researchers at UCLA, Stanford University, Columbia University, The University of Texas at Austin, and Johns Hopkins University.
07/21/2014 - It is easy to envision autonomous cars as simply allowing drivers to safely multitask while “driving” — that they will be otherwise quite similar to today’s cars on today’s roads. However, much bigger changes are ahead, and it won’t be long before we no longer remember what life was like when cars had steering wheels.
05/08/2014 - Cognitive scientist honored at UC Merced | The Sacramento Bee Dana Ballard, a computer science professor of The University of Texas at Austin, on Monday was presented the 2014 Distinguished Cognitive Scientist Award at UC Merced.
04/11/2014 - “The Texas Legislature has given us the opportunity to grow the Center for Identity into an international center of excellence and an unparalleled resource for Texans and beyond,” said Dr. Suzanne Barber, director for the Center for Identity. “We will equip individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to manage, protect and value their identity in today’s ever-connected world.”
04/09/2014 - UTCS Associate Professor William Cook has won the prestigious 2014 Dahl-Nygaard Senior Prize. The Senior Prize is awarded to William Cook for his contributions to the theory and practice of object-oriented programming. Cook currently teaches Programming Languages and his research research focuses on improving the ability of programming languages to facilitate the development of efficient and maintainable software.