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When Will We Have Quantum Computers?

07/12/2017 - Quantum computers might sound like science fiction. A fully functioning quantum computer could complete calculations in a matter of seconds that would take a conventional computer millions of years to process. Listen to the interview with Professor Scott Aaronson!

Quantum Computing Might Be Here Sooner Than You Think

06/14/2017 - From Bloomberg Markets | by Jon Asmundsson Teams at startups, universities, government labs, and companies like IBM are racing to build computers that could potentially solve some problems that are now intractable.

Doing the Math for Better Encryption

Pile of different colored and shaped dice.

05/02/2017 - From SIGNAL Magazine: A breakthrough formula for generating random numbers may be the key to cybersecurity. They do not necessarily match the hero stereotype, but computer scientists improving methods of generating random numbers just may save the day when it comes to cybersecurity.

New Faculty 2016-17

09/19/2016 - 2016-17 marks the beginning of another outstanding year for UT Computer Science, with the addition of six new faculty in the fields of quantum computing, computer vision, natural language processing, and theory. This builds upon the very successful 2015-16 academic year, when UT Computer Science recruited four new assistant professors in systems and robotics, ensuring a vibrant future for computer science education and research at The University of Texas at Austin.

Experts Forecast the Changes Artificial Intelligence Could Bring by 2030

09/01/2016 - Original article: CNS News | By Marc Airhart A panel of academic and industrial thinkers has looked ahead to 2030 to forecast how advances in artificial intelligence (AI) might affect life in a typical North American city — in areas diverse as transportation, healthcare and education — and spur discussion of how to ensure the safe, fair and beneficial development of these rapidly emerging technologies.