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UTCS alum Eileen Boerger has been elected to the Software & Information Industry Association’s (SIIA) Software Division Board of Directors to serve a two-year term. SIIA is the principal trade association and a leading voice for the software, digital content, ed-tech and financial information industries. Read More
The Department of Computer Science congratulates its graduating students of 2012. We wished them “Good Bytes and Good Luck” with a graduation celebration catered by Austin’s own Amy’s Ice Cream. Read More
Every spring, the College of Natural Sciences celebrates its student-scientists at the Undergraduate Research Forum, a one-day event. More than 200 students present posters describing their research. The best and most innovative posters and presentations are recognized with awards judged and sponsored by the university, faculty, alumni, and industry. Read More
Friends of Computer Science
The Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) program at UTCS is fortunate to count many companies with world-class research programs as partners. FoCS partners Google, IBM, Microsoft, Sandia National Laboratories and Yahoo! are all on the forefront of technological innovation. Read More
Research in computer science has shown a remarkable ability to change the world. Just consider some of the $1B industries that were spawned from basic research in computer science: Internet search, graphics and animation, relational databases, data mining, and speech recognition. Read More
The Empowering Leadership Alliance
The Empowering Leadership Alliance is a computer science student organization aimed at helping minorities gain a sense of what opportunities are available in various fields in technology. Read More
UTCS is proud to announce that three of our students have been named Dean's Honored Graduate, an honor that is being given to only 20 of CNS's graduating students this year. Read More
Alumni Reconnect: Russ Gayle (BS 2003)
One of the challenges of working as a computer scientist and engineer at Sandia National Laboratories is to not be distracted by the breadth of innovative work that goes on. In any given week, I am exposed to topics and research in network and computer security, robotics, and exascale computing, to name a few. Read More
Research Corner: Computational Drug Discovery
Discoveries in bioinformatics provide new therapeutic interventions to disease by replacing expensive, time-consuming physical experiments with an automated computational search. Public databases now contain experimentally determined sequence and structural information for hundreds of thousands of proteins Read More
Capital Campaign Update: Taking Research to the Next Level
The Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall is under way with a projected completion date of winter 2012! The Gates Complex will be the first step in the department's plan to transform computing education and research in Texas. Read More