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UT News Event: 1 Semester Startup's "Demo Day" featuring James Truchard, president and CEO of National Instruments When: Thursday, April 26, 5-9 p.m., open to the public Where: LBJ Auditorium at the LBJ Museum and Library, 2313 Red River St., University of Texas at AustinRead More
Current UTCS Ph.D. Student Suman Jana is the recipient of a Google Ph.D. Fellowship and received the Best Paper Award at the 2012 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. Read More
2004 UTCS Ph.D. graduate Luay Nakhleh has been awarded a 2012 Guggenheim Fellowship. Read More
Scientists continue to refine, and sometimes radically alter, our understanding of the “Tree of Life” — the ways in which species are related to one another. They’re using the computing power of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin to better understand the origin of species and, ultimately, help fight disease and develop better crops.Read More
Assistant Professor Mike Walfish and Software Engineer Toren Smith have both been awarded 2012 College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Excellence Awards. Read More
UTCS alum Paul Taele has been awarded an NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) fellowship for 2012. Paul will carry out research in beyond-surface sketch recognition and interaction techniques in Taipei, Taiwan, with Dr. Mike Chen in the Mobile, Social & HCI Research Lab at National Taiwan University. Read More
Associate Professor Kristen Grauman is one of 26 winners selected by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as a 2012 Young Investigator (YIP) Award recipient. From a diverse pool of more than 350 candidates of university and college faculty who have attained tenure-track positioning the past five years, 26 winners were selected. ONR YIP awardees are selected based upon the merit of their research and potential contributions for game-changing advances for the Navy and Marine Corps. Read More
Yahoo! Hack U
Yahoo! Hack U is two days of learning, hacking and fun. Yahoo! Hack U came to UTCS March 22 & 23rd. Attendees at this year's hack heard interesting tech talks, received hacking tips and lessons, and took part in hands-on coding workshops where they worked with cutting-edge technology. Read More
Computer scientists at the University of Texas in Austin are developing intersections of the future, designed to accommodate the driverless vehicles they believe will soon take over our roads. The intersection will have no traffic lights and no stop signs, just computer programs that will talk directly to each car on the road. Read More
The Cities page on takes a look at research on the intersections of the future done by computer scientist Peter Stone. Read More