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Regents' Outstanding Teaching Awards
The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System has recognized Professor Calvin Lin and Senior Lecturer Mike Scott for outstanding teaching. Read More
Texas cities claimed the top 6 positions in a study released by and Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos came ranked fourth. Read More
UTCS Senior Lecturer Michael D. Scott.
Senior Lecturer Michael Scott is one of four faculty members at The University of Texas at Austin selected to hold a Dads' Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship during the 2011-12 fall semester. Read More
Those who major in computer science will typically make 50% more over the course of their lifetime than those who major in the humanities, arts, education or psychology. Read More
Professor Inderjit Dhillon Receives SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize
Professor Inderjit Dhillon, together with Justin Brickell, Suvrit Sra and Joel Tropp have been selected to receive the award of the 2011 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Outstanding Paper Prize for their paper entitled, "The Metric Nearness Problem," which appeared in the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX). Their paper is one of the three winning papers. Read More
2011 UTCS Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony
UTCS honored new Ph.D. graduates at its annual hooding ceremony. Each new graduate received a short testimonial from his or her graduate research advisor. The new doctors were then hooded by UTCS Professor Lorenzo Alvisi. Afterwards, a reception was held for graduates, faculty, friends and family. Read More
A recent study of the economic value of several undergraduate degrees by major was recently published by Georgetown University. Engineering graduates ranged fro $55K to $120K, the best of the majors evaluated. Computer and mathematics grads were also rated highly, $50K to $98K. Read More
More than 56 percent of computer science majors who have applied for a job have received an offer making it the major with the highest offer rate from the Class of 2011, according to results of a new survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). Read More
Researchers at Yale and the University of Texas used a neural network -- a computer brain -- to test out medical theories of what causes schizophrenia. The result was a computer brain that can't tell the difference between stories about itself and fanciful stories about gangsters, and claims responsibility for terrorist acts. Read More
Computer simulations of malfunctioning brains may be the key to understanding schizophrenia and other conditions. A research team including computer scientists at the University of Texas at Austin and a professor of psychiatry at Yale have been testing various theories of how schizophrenic brains misfire as they process information. People with schizophrenia often have trouble repeating different stories, for instance, frequently combining elements of separate stories and inserting themselves into the narrative. Read More