Journal Publications

Y. Zhang, T. J.R. Hughes, C. Bajaj
An Automatic 3D Mesh Generation Method for Domains with Multiple Materials.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME), 199(5-8): 405-415, Jan 2009, NIHMSID: 132380, Publ.ID: CMA8983,, PMCID: PMC2805160. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu, Q.Zhang
Bio-Molecule Surfaces Construction Via a Higher-Order Level Set Method
Proceedings of the 16th CAD/CG International Conference, Beijing, China, 2007, pp. 27- 31, NIHMSID194056, PMC Journal in Process

Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Surface Smoothing and Quality Improvement of Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshes using Geometric Flow
Comm. in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 24, 2008. DOI: 10.1002/cnm.1067,, PMCID: PMC2761001 (pdf)

J. Oden, K. Diller, C.Bajaj, J. Browne, J. Hazle, I. Babuska, J. Bass, L. Demkowicz, A. Elliott, Y. Feng, D. Fuentes, S. Prudhomme, M. Rylander, R. Stafford, Y. Zhang
Dynamic Data-Driven Finite Element Models for Laser Treatment of Cancer
Journal of Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 23 (4) 901-922, 2007, doi: 10.1002/num.20251,, PMCID: PMC2850081

Y. Zhang, Y. Bazilives, S. Goswami, T. Hughes, C. Bajaj
Patient-Specific Vascular NURBS Modeling for Isogeometric Analysis of Blood Flow
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME), 196 (29-30) 2943-2959. 2007, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-34958-7, NIHMSID 87598,, PMCID: PMC2839408

C. Bajaj, J. T. Oden, K. R. Diller, J. C. Browne, J. Hazle, I. Babuska, J. Bass, L. Bidaut, L. Demkowicz, A. Elliott, Y. Feng, D. Fuentes, S. Prudhomme, R. J. Stafford, Y. Zhang.
Using Cyber-infrastructure for Dynamic Data Driven Laser Treatment of Cancer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, 4487: 972-979, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72584-8_128,, PMCID: PMC2743440 (pdf) (abstract)

Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj
Adaptive and Quality Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshing from Volumetric Data
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 195, Issues 9-12, 1 February 2006, Pages 942-960, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2005.02.016,, PMCID: PMC2740490 (pdf) (abstract) (Related CVC Project)

G. Xu, Q. Pan, C. Bajaj
Discrete Surface Modeling Using Partial Differential Equations
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Volume 23/2, pp 125-145, 2006, doi:10.1016/j.cagd.2005.05.004,, PMCID: PMC2760856 (pdf) (abstract)

Y. Zhang, G. Xu, C. Bajaj
Quality Meshing of Implicit Solvation Models of Biomolecular Structures
The special issue of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) on Applications of Geometric Modeling in the Life Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 6, August 2006, Pages 510-530, doi: 10.1016/j.cagd.2006.01.008,, PMCID: PMC2756697 (pdf) (abstract)

Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj, B. Sohn
3D Finite Element Meshing from Imaging Data
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME) on Unstructured Mesh Generation, 194, 48-49, 5083-5106, 2005, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2004.11.026,, PMCID: PMC2748876 (pdf) (abstract)

C. Bajaj
A Laguerre Voronoi Based Scheme for Meshing Particle Systems
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, (JJIAM), vol. 22, No. 2, Pages 167-177, June 2005. (pdf) (abstract)

Y. Zhang, G. Xu, C. Bajaj,
Surface Smoothing and Quality Improvement of Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshes with Geometric Flow
Comm. in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 24, 2008. , PMCID: PMC2761001 (pdf)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Anisotropic Diffusion of Surfaces and Functions on Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 22, 1, (2003), 4-32. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu, R. Holt, A. Netravali
NURBS Approximation of A-splines and A-patches
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 13, 5, (2003), 359-389. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, S. Schaefer, J. Warren, G. Xu
A Subdivision Scheme for Hexahedral Meshes
The Visual Computer, Vol. 18. Numbers 5-6. Pages 343-356. August 2002. (pdf)

G. Xu, C. Bajaj, S. Evans
C1 Modeling with Hybrid Multiple-sided A-patches
Special issue on Surface and Volume Reconstructions in the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 13, 2, (2002), 261-284. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu, R. Holt, A. Netravali
Hierarchical Multiresolution Reconstruction of Shell Surfaces
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 19:2(2002), 89-112. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Anisotropic Diffusion of Noisy Surfaces and Noisy Functions on Surfaces
Proc. of Information Visualization 2001, London, UK, 2001. (pdf)

G. Xu, C. Bajaj, H. Huang
C1 Modeling with A-patches from Rational Trivariate Functions
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 18:3(2001), 221-243. (pdf) (ps) (abstract)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Regular Algebraic Curve Segments (III) - Applications in Interactive Design and Data Fitting
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 18:3(2001), 149-173. (pdf) (ps) (abstract)

G. Xu, C. Bajaj, W. Xue
Regular algebraic curve segments (I)-Definitions and characteristics
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 17:6(2000), 485-501. (pdf) (ps)

G. Xu, C. Bajaj, C. Chu
Regular Algebraic Curve Segments (II) - Interpolation and Approximation
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 17:6(2000), 503-519. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
A-Splines: Local Interpolation and Approximation Using Gk- Continuous Piecewise Real Algebraic Curves
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 16:6(1999), 557-578. (pdf) (ps)

F. Bernardini, C. Bajaj, J. Chen, D. Schikore
Automatic Reconstruction of 3D CAD Models from Digital Scans
Int. J. on Comp. Geom. and Appl., vol. 9, nos. 4-5, Aug & Oct 1999, pp. 327-369. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, E. Coyle, K. Lin
Tetrahedral Meshes from Planar Cross Sections
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 179 (1999), pp. 31-52. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Piecewise Rational Approximation of Real Algebraic Curves
Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 15, no. 1, (1997), 55-71. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, F. Bernardini, G. Xu
Reconstructing Surfaces and Functions on Surfaces from Unorganized Three-Dimensional Data
Algorithmica, 19, 1-2, (1997), 243-261. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Spline Approximations of Real Algebraic Surfaces
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Special Isssue on Parametric Algebraic Curves and Applications, 23, 2-3, (1997), 315 - 333. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, E. Coyle, K. Lin
Arbitrary Topology Shape Reconstruction from Planar Cross Sections
Graphical Models and Image Processing, 58:6, (1996), 524-543. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu, J. Chen
Approximation of Polyhedron with C^2 A-Patches
report on Fourth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, November 6-9, 1995, Nashville, Tennessee.

C. Bajaj, F. Bernardini, G. Xu
Automatic Reconstruction of Surfaces and Scalar Fields from 3D Scans
Proceedings: Computer Graphics (1995), Annual Conference Series, SIGGRAPH 95, ACM SIGGRAPH, 109-118. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, J. Chen, G. Xu
Modeling with Cubic A-patches
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 14:2, (1995), 103-133. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
NURBS Approximation of Surface/Surface Intersection Curves
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2, 1, (1994), 1-21. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, T. Dey
Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra and Robustness
Siam Journal on Computing, 21, 2, (1992), 339-364. (pdf)

T. Dey, K. Sugihara, C. Bajaj
Delaunay Triangulations in Three Dimensions with Finite Precision Arithmetic
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 9:6(1992), 457-470. (pdf)

T. Dey, C. Bajaj, K. Sugihara
On Good Triangulations in Three Dimensions
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 2, 1, (1992), 75-95. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, I. Ihm
Smoothing Polyhedra using Implicit Algebraic Splines
Computer Graphics, 26, 2, (1992), 79-88. Proceedings: 1992 ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 92, Chicago, Illinois. (pdf)

T. Dey, C. Bajaj, K. Sugihara
On Good Triangulations in Three Dimensions
Proceedings: The ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling Foundations and CAD/CAM Applications, (1991), 431-441. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, M. Kim
Convex Hulls of Objects bounded by Algebraic Curves
Algorithmica, 6, 1, (1990), 533-553. (pdf)

C. Bajaj, T. Dey
Robust Decompositions of Polyhedra
Proceedings: Ninth Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 405, Springer-Verlag, (1989), 267-279.

Conference Presentations & Publications

A. Gillette and C. Bajaj
A Generalization for Stable Mixed Finite Elements
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Sept. 2010, Accepted for Publication.

C. Bajaj, R. Bettadapura, N. Lei, A. Mollere, C. Peng, A. Rand
Constructing A-Spline Weight Functions for Stable WEB-Spline Finite Element Methods
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Sept. 2010, Accepted for Publication.

C. Bajaj and R. Chowdhury
Multi-level Grid Algorithms for Faster Molecular Energetics
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Sept. 2010, Accepted for Publication

D. Ress, S. Dhandapani, S. Katyal, and C. Greene, C. Bajaj
Surface-Based Imaging Methods for High-Resolution Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Proceedings of Second Intl. Symposium, CompIMAGE 2010: Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images, ed. by R. Barneva, V. Brimkov, H. Hauptman, R. Jorge, J. Tavares. LNCS 6026, Springer Verlag, 2010, p 130-140, NIHMSID# 187599. (pdf)

J. Edwards and C. Bajaj
Topologically correct reconstruction of tortuous contour forests
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, accepted, September 2010

C.Bajaj, S. Goswami
Multi-Component Heart Reconstruction from Volumetric Imaging
Proceedings of the ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium, Stony Brook, NY, 2008, pp. 193-202., NIHMSID 193748, PMC Journal in Process (pdf)

C. Bajaj and A. Gillette
Quality Meshing of a Forest of Branching Structures
Proceedings of the 17th International Meshing Roundtable 2008, p. 433--449, October 2008. NIHMSID 193746, PMC Journal in Process (pdf)

Y. Zhang, T. Hughes, C.Bajaj
Automatic 3D Mesh Generation for a Domain with Multiple Materials
Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, October 2007, pages 367-386, NIHMSID194062, PMC Journal in Process (pdf)

S. Goswami, A. Gillette, C. Bajaj
Efficient Delaunay Mesh Generation From Sampled Scalar Functions
Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, Seattle, WA, October 2007. pages 495 - 511

C. Bajaj, S. Goswami, Z. Yu, Y. Zhang, Y. Bazilevs, T. Hughes
Patient Specific Heart Models from High Resolution CT
CompIMAGE. Coimbra, Portugal. October 20-21, 2006, NIHMSID194017, PMC Journal in Process (pdf)

Y. Zhang, Y. Bazilevs, S. Goswami, C. Bajaj, T. Hughes
Patient-Specific Vascular NURBS Modeling for Isogeometric Analysis of Blood Flow
Proceedings of 15th International Meshing Roundtable, pp. 73-92. Birmingham, AL. September 17-20, 2006. (pdf)

C. Bajaj
A Laguerre Voronoi Based Scheme for Meshing Particle Systems
Proc. of International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, VD2004, University of Tokyo, Japan, Sep 2004, pp. 115 -122. (pdf) (abstract)

Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj
Adaptive and Quality Quadrilateral/Hexahedral Meshing from Volumetric Imaging Data
In Proceedings of 13th International Meshing Roundtable, pp. 365-376. Willamsburg, VA. September 19-22, 2004. (pdf)

D. Xue, L. Demkowicz, C. Bajaj
Reconstruction of G1 Surfaces with Biquartic Patches for hp FE Simulations
In Proceedings of 13th International Meshing Roundtable, pp. 323-332. Willamsburg, VA. September 19-22, 2004. (pdf)

Y. Zhang, C. Bajaj, B. Sohn
Adaptive and Quality 3D Meshing from Imaging Data
Proceedings of 8th ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications. Pages 286-291. Seattle, WA. June 16-20, 2003. (pdf) (abstract)

C. Bajaj, H. Lee, R. Merkert, V. Pascucci
NURBS based B-rep Models from Macromolecules and their Properties
In Proceedings of Fourth Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications, Atlanta,Georgia, 1997, C. Hoffmann and W. Bronsvort Eds., ACM Press. pp. 217-228. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, E. Coyle, K. Lin
Boundary and 3D Triangular Meshes from Planar Cross Sections
Proceedings: The Fifth International Meshing Roundtable, Sandia National Lab., Sandia Report SAND96-2301, UC-405, (1996), Pittsburgh, PA, 169-178. (ps)

C. Bajaj, J. Chen, G. Xu
Interactive Shape Control and Rapid Display of A-Patches
Eurographics International Workshop on Implicit Surfaces, Grenoble, France, (1995), 197-215. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, J. Chen, G. Xu
Modeling with C2 Quintic A-patches
Fourth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Nashville, TN, (Nov. 1995). (pdf)

C. Bajaj, J. Chen, G. Xu
Free-Form Surface Design with A-Patches
Proceedings: Graphics Interface '94, GI94, Vancouver, Canada, Canadian Information Processing Society (1994), 174-191. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, A. Royappa
Triangulation and Display of Rational Parametric Surfaces
Proceedings: IEEE Visualization '94 Conference, Washington, DC, edited by R. Bergeron, A. Kaufman, IEEE Computer Society Press, (1994), 69-76. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj
Algebraic Surface Design and Finite Element Meshes
Proceedings: The NASA Workshop on Software Systems for Surface Modeling and Grid Generation, NASA Langley Research Publication 3143, (1992), 121-131.

C. Bajaj, A. Royappa
Robust Display of Arbitrary Rational Parametric Surfaces
Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics III
Proceedings: Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, Boston, Massachusetts, vol. 1830, (1992), 70-80.
(pdf) (abstract)

Book Chapters

C. Bajaj, S. Goswami
Modeling Cardiovascular Anatomy from Patient-Specific Imaging
Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, ed. by Joao Tavares and Renato Jorge, Springer, 2008, Chapter 1, pgs 1-28, NIHMS155076, PMC Journal in Process

C. Bajaj, Z. Yu
Geometric and Signal Processing of Reconstructed 3D Maps of Molecular Complexes
Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology, Edited by S. Aluru, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Computer and Information Science Series, December 21, 2005, ISBN: 1584884061. (pdf) (abstract)

C. Bajaj, G. Xu
Smooth Shell Construction with Mixed Prism Fat Surfaces
Brunett, G., Bieri,H., Farin, G. (eds.), Geometric Modeling Computing Supplement, 14, (2001), 19-35. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj
Implicit Surface Patches
Introduction to Implicit Surfaces, edited by J. Bloomenthal, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, (1997), 98-125.

C. Bajaj, S. Evans
Splines and Geometric Modeling
CRC Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, edited by J. Goodman and J. O'Rourke, CRC Series, Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, (1997), 833-849. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj
Free-Form Modeling with Implicit Surface Patches
Implicit Surfaces, edited by J. Bloomenthal abd B. Wyvill, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, (1996). (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj
The Emergence of Algebraic Curves and Surfaces in Geometric Design
Directions in Geometric Computing, edited by R. Martin, Information Geometers Press, United Kingdom (1993), Chapter 1, 1-29.

C. Bajaj
Geometric Modeling with Algebraic Surfaces
The Mathematics of Surfaces III, edited by D. Handscomb, Oxford University Press, (1990), Chapter I, 3-48.
Invited Paper: 3rd IMA, Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces.