Placement of VBR Video on Disk Arrays
The performance of striped disk arrays is governed by two
parameters: the stripe unit size and the degree of striping. We
have developed techniques for determining the optimal stripe unit
size and degree of striping for disk arrays storing variable bit
rate continuous media data. This work differs from the prior work
on determining optimal stripe unit size and degree of striping for
conventional file servers in two ways. First, this analysis is
carried out for real-time workloads dominated by large, sequential
reads. Second, instead of minimizing the average response time for
requests, the model determines a stripe unit size that minimizes
the tail of the response time distribution (possibly at the
expense of an increased average response time).
Representative Publications:
P. Shenoy and H.M. Vin. Efficient Striping Techniques for
Multimedia File Servers,
Performance Evaluation Journal, Vol. 38, 1999, pp. 175-199.
[ Abstract |
Paper ]
- P. Shenoy and H.M. Vin. Efficient Striping Techniques for
Multimedia File Servers, In
Proceedings of the 7th
International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for
Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV'97), Pages 25-36, May 1997
[ Abstract |
Paper ]