Storage and Retrieval of Multi-Resolution Video Streams
We have experimented with techniques for efficient placement of
multi-resolution MPEG-2 video streams on disk array. We have
demonstrated that, by integrating the placement policy with
multi-resolution encoding, a server can completely eliminate the
overhead of interactive scan operations (e.g., fast forward and
rewind) by dynamically reducing the resolution of the streams
being delivered to clients. We have generalized our method to a
variety of multi-resolution compression algorithms, and
demonstrated that, by tailoring the retrieval of media streams
from disk to the desired resolution level, such a file system will
transfer only as much data as needed, and thereby improve the
utilization of both the server and network resources.
Representative Publications:
P. Shenoy and H.M. Vin, Efficient Support for Interactive Operations in
Multi-resolution Video Servers,
ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 241-253, May 1999
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