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Admission Control Algorithms for Video Streams

Admission control algorithms estimate the resource requirements (i.e., bit rate, disk access times, etc.) of the new client as well as all the clients already being serviced. We have developed three categories of admission control algorithms that differ significantly in their estimation methods:

  • Deterministic admission control algorithms that make worst-case estimates of the bit rate and disk access times, and are used when clients cannot tolerate any losses.

  • Statistical admission control algorithms that use pre-computed probability distributions of the bit rate and disk access times to guarantee that deadlines will be met with a certain probability. Such algorithms achieve much higher utilization than deterministic algorithms, and are used when clients can tolerate infrequent losses.

  • Measurement-based admission control algorithms use measurements of bit rate and disk utilization from recent past as an indicator of future resource requirements. They achieve the highest disk utilization at the expense of providing the weakest guarantees.

These admission control algorithms span an entire spectrum and achieve varying server utilization while providing different levels of guarantees.

Representative Publications:

  1. H. M. Vin, A. Goyal and P. Goyal, Algorithms for Designing Large-Scale Multimedia Servers, Computer Communications, Vol. 18, No. 3, Pages 192-203, March 1995 [ Abstract | Paper ]

  2. H. M. Vin, P. Goyal, A. Goyal and A. Goyal, A Statistical Admission Control Algorithm for Multimedia Servers, In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia'94, San Francisco, Pages 33-40, October 1994 [ Abstract | Paper ]

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