Failure Recovery Techniques for Video Streams
We have developed two techniques that exploit the characteristics
of the data being accessed to reduce the failure recovery
overhead. The first technique exploits the sequentiality of video
data access to reduce the on-line failure recovery overhead in
parity-based disk arrays. We have shown that this technique
reduces the worst-case failure recovery overhead from 100% to
1/(G-1) in RAID-5 arrays, where G is the parity group size; and
from (G-1)/(C-1) to 1/(C-1) in de-clustered parity arrays, where C
is the cluster size. The second technique utilizes the inherent
redundancy in video streams (rather than error-correcting codes)
to ensure that the on-line failure recovery process does not
impose any additional load on the disk array. We have developed a
disk array architecture that enhances the scalability of
multimedia servers by: (1) integrating the recovery process with
the decompression of video streams, and thereby distributing the
reconstruction process across the clients; and (2) supporting
graceful degradation in the quality of recovered images with
increase in the number of disk failures.
Representative Publications:
P. Shenoy and H.M. Vin, Failure Recovery Algorithms for
Multimedia Servers,
ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-19, January 2000.
[ Abstract |
Paper ]
P. Shenoy and H.M. Vin, Efficient Support for Scan Operations
in Multimedia Servers, In
Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia'95, San Francisco, CA,
pp. 131-140, November 1995
[ Abstract |
Paper ]