Date |
Topic and Readings |
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Problem Set 1 (due Friday, February 1 at 5pm)
Problem Set 2 (due Friday, February 22 at 5pm)
Problem Set 3 (due Friday, March 22 at 5pm)
Problem Set 4 (due Friday, April 12 at 5pm)
Problem Set 5 (due Friday, May 3 at 5pm)
You must use LaTeX to write up your
problem set. You must use the provided template to typset your assignment.
January 14-18 |
Definitions and Foundations (Lecture Notes)
- One-way functions (OWFs), pseudorandom generators (PRGs),
pseudorandom functions (PRFs), pseudorandom permutations (PRPs)
- The Blum-Micali PRG and hybrid arguments
- The Goldreich-Goldwasser-Micali PRF construction
Suggested Readings
January 23-25 |
Symmetric Cryptography (Lecture Notes)
- Symmetric encryption: semantic security, CPA-security
- Message integrity and message authentication codes (MACs)
- Authenticated encryption
Suggested Readings
January 28-February 1 |
Number-Theoretic Cryptography (Lecture Notes)
- The discrete logarithm problem
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange and ElGamal encryption
- Random self-reducibility and the Naor-Reingold PRF
Suggested Readings
February 1 |
Problem Set 1 Due at 5pm
February 4-February 8 |
Number-Theoretic Cryptography (Lecture Notes)
- Factoring and the RSA assumption
- Trapdoor permutations and digital signatures
- The random oracle model
Suggested Readings
February 11-February 15 |
Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (Lecture Notes)
- Generic algorithms for discrete logarithm
- Elliptic-curve cryptography: notation, definitions, and constructions
- Introduction to pairing-based cryptography
Suggested Readings
February 18-February 22 |
Pairing-Based Cryptography (Lecture Notes)
- 3-party non-interactive key-exchange from pairings
- Short signatures from pairings
- Identity-based encryption from pairings
Suggested Readings
February 22 |
Problem Set 2 Due at 5pm
February 25-March 1 |
Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems (Lecture Notes)
- Interactive proof systems
- Zero-knowledge proof systems and the simulation paradigm
- Zero-knowledge proofs for NP
Suggested Readings
March 4-March 8 |
Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems (Lecture Notes)
- Proofs of knowledge
- Sigma protocols: Schnorr signatures and Chaum-Pedersen proofs
- The Fiat-Shamir heuristic
Suggested Readings
March 11-15 |
No class: Spring recess
March 18-March 22 |
Multiparty Computation (Lecture Notes)
- Oblivious transfer protocols
- Yao's garbled circuits
Suggested Readings
March 22 |
Problem Set 3 Due at 5pm
March 25-March 29 |
Multiparty Computation (Lecture Notes)
- Shamir secret sharing
- Computing on secret-shared data
- MPC in the preprocessing model: OT correlations and Beaver triples
Suggested Readings
April 1-April 5 |
Lattice-Based Cryptography (Lecture Notes)
- Overview of post-quantum cryptography
- Introduction to lattice-based cryptography
- The short integer solutions (SIS) problem
Suggested Readings
April 8-April 12 |
Lattice-Based Cryptography (Lecture Notes)
- Lattice trapdoors and lattice-based signatures
- The learning with errors (LWE) problem
- Regev's public-key encryption scheme from LWE
Suggested Readings
April 12 |
Problem Set 4 Due at 5pm
April 15-April 19 |
Advanced Primitives from Lattices (Lecture Notes)
- Fully homomorphic encryption
- Homomorphic signatures
Suggested Readings
April 22-April 26 |
Advanced Primitives from Lattices (Lecture Notes)
- Dual Regev encryption
- Attribute-based encryption
Suggested Readings
April 29 |
Final Remarks and Open Problems (Lecture Notes)
May 3 |
Problem Set 5 Due at 5pm