Copyright © 2006 by Gordon S. Novak Jr.
Permission is granted for individuals to make copies of these notes for personal use, or for instructors to make copies for classroom use.
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8-puzzle 131
abduction 225
abstraction spaces 111
add list 205
admissible 65
affix 271
albedo 437
alpha-beta search 104
anaphora 269
and node 95
and/or graph 95
answer extraction 199
antecedent 387
aphasia 419
artificial intelligence 2
ask 218
assert 218
assumption-based tms 221
atms 221
atn 297
atom 152
augmented transition network 297
average branching factor 40
axon 414
axon terminal 414
backward 144
backward search 71
bayes theorem 377
bayesian network 381
beam search 70
bidirectional search 71
bigram 275
blind search 43
bottom-up parser 295
bound 172
bounded depth-first 44
bounded depth-first search 46
brain anatomy 416
breadth-first 44
breadth-first search 55
brocas area 419
case 308
case relation 309
case theory 308
certainty factor 385
certainty factor combination 390
chaff 171
chain rule 380
chart parser 296
checkers 108
chess 107
chomsky hierarchy 288
chronological backtracking 112
clause 178
clos 249
closed 56
closed world assumption 222
cnf 162
combinatoric explosion 40
complete 188
compositional semantics 334
conceptual dependency 314
conceptual island 410
conditional probability 377
conflict resolution 374
conjunction 152
conjunctive normal form 162, 178
consistent 153
constraints 116
context free 290
context sensitive 291
context-free 278
convolution 431
counterexamples 99
credit assignment problem 108
criticality number 210
cwa 222
davis-putnam 171
de morgans laws 154
decision tree 398
deduction 225
deduction theorem 163
deep case 308
default 236
definite determiner 320
delete list 205
dendral 133
dendrite 414
dependency-directed backtracking 113
depth bound 46
depth-first search 45
determiner 320
diameter 40
difference 109
differences 109
disambiguation 312
disjunction 152
effective branching factor 67
eight puzzle 131
evaluation function 60
evolution 114
facet 236
feature detection 432
finite automaton 289
fire 370
first-order logic 172
fluent 255
fmri scan 420
forward 144
frame axiom 204
frame problem 201
free 172
frustration 52
game tree 101
genetic algorithms 114
gps 109
grammar notation 285
grammatical ambiguity 268, 282
ground literal 155
herbrand base 180
herbrand universe 180
herbrands theorem 180
heuristic dendral 133
heuristic function 61
heuristic search 61
hidden markov 276
hierarchical planning 209
high-pass filter 430
hill climbing 50
homograph 282
horizon effect 107
hough transform 433
ida* 69
if-added 236
if-needed 236
if-removed 236
implication 152
inconsistent 153
indefinite determiner 320
induction 225
information theory 265
inherit 236
inheritance 246
instance 246
instantiate 207
invalid 153
isaac 352
isomorphism 141
iterative deepening 47
iterative-deepening 69
joint probability distribution 379
jtms 219
justification-based tms 219
knowledge base 143
knowledge representation 139
knowledge retrieval 139
knowledge source 413
knowledge-based strategy 361
lambert cosine law 437
lambertian 437
language generation 279
lexical ambiguity 268, 282, 306
lexical features 273
lexicon 272
line detection 422
linear planning 209
local maximum 50
logical consequence 163
ma* 70
machine translation 351
machine vision 427
matching problem 147
max 101
mental rotation 425
message 247
meta-dendral 136
metonymy 269
min 101
minimax 103
model 153
model checking 155
modus ponens 154
monotone 67
monotonic logic 224
morphological analyzer 271
morphology 271
motion vision 439
multiple inheritance 240
n-gram 275
natural deduction 194
natural language 262
negation 152
neuron 414
non-monotonic logic 224
non-terminal 278
nonlinear planning 209
nonterminal symbol 286
object 246
oop 246
open 56
open world assumption 222
operators 25
ops-5 369
or node 95
pandemonium model 369
pattern matching 83
pet scan 420
phrase structure 286
plan monitoring 211
pragmatics 267
precondition 205
predicate calculus 172
preference 313
prefix 271
prenex normal form 175
pretend its english 324
primitive act 314
problem reduction search 93
production memory 369
production system 369
prolog 223
pronoun reference 318
property list 231
propositional database 213
propositional logic 152
propositional variable 152
ramdom restart 50
reason maintenance 218
reasoning 139
recognize-act cycle 370
recognizer 287
recognizing automaton 287
recursively enumerable 284
reference 320
referent 321
regular language 289
representation hypothesis 140
resolution 160
retract 218
retrieval 147
rewrite rule 77
rhetorical relation 327
root word 271
rule 365
rule induction 400
rule subsumption 394
rule-based system 365
samuel 108
sat 171
satisfiability 171
search 21
segmentation 435
selection restriction 311, 312
semantic grammar 331
semantics 267, 269, 304, 328, 334
sensitivity analysis 397
sentence symbol 286
set of support 189
shadow 239
shape from shading 436
simplification 77
simula 246
simulated annealing 51
simulation 141
situated action 261
situation calculus 202
skolem constant 177
skolem function 177
skolemization 177
slot 236
sma* 70
solution graph 97
solution tree 101
sombrero function 432
sound 188
specular 437
splitting 194
standard form 178
start symbol 286
state space 25
states 25
static evaluation function 102
static value 103
strips 205
sublis 183
subproblem 93
successor 56
suffix 271
suffix-stripping 271
super 237
superclass 239
synapse 414
syntactic ambiguity 306
syntax 267
table of connections 109
terminal 278
terminal symbol 286
top-down filtering 294
top-down parser 294
transposition table 105
truth table 155
two-pointer method 189
type 275
unification 184
unification algorithm 186
uniform-cost search 57
unigram 275
unit preference 190
unsatisfiable 153
valid 153
visual cortex 422
vocabulary 286
walksat 171
waltz filtering 116
wernickes area 419
working memory 369
zipfs law 266