Schedule - CS 312 - Fall 2020

Readings are from Building Java Programs 5th Edition, Author Reges and Stepp, ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0135471944.

Practice Problems From the PracticeIt Website, Building Java Programs 5th Edition Section

Monday Tue Wednesday Thursday Friday
MLK Holiday - UT Closed. No class
1/18 1/19
Topic 1 Course Intro
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1.. Read sections 1.1 - 1.3
2. Complete the items on the startup page

Perusall Reading 1 due by 11 pm - Access via Canvas
Topic 2: Basic Java
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Reread sections 1.1 - 1.3 in the book.
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 1 numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5.
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 1.1 Stewie, 1.8 Stewie 2.

Topic 3: Static Methods Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 1.4 - 1.5
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 1 numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13,16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25
3. Practice-It! exercises: 1.9 Egg,  1.10 Egg2, 1.13 Star Figures, 1.16 Shining
4. Video: methods, complex figure

Discussion Sections do NOT meet

Perusall Reading 2 due by 11 pm

Topic 4: Expressions and Variables
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 2.1 - 2.2
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 2 numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
3. Practice It! exercises: 2.3: expressions 1,
2.16 ValueOfIJK , 2.17 maxMin,
4. Video: expressions

Academic Integrity Quiz due on Canvas.

Background survey due on Canvas. 10 points extra credit for completion

Program 1 due by 11 pm
Topic 4 continued, start Topic 5 if time permits

1. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 2 numbers 12, 13, 15, 16, 20
2. Video: variables/assignment
3. Practice It! exercises: 2.5: expressions 3, 2.13 valuesOfABC, 2.15 firstSecond2

Topic 5: for loops, nested loops
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read section 2.3
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 2 numbers 21, 22, 23, 25, 29
3. Suggested Practice it exercises: 2.2 loop Squares, 2.5 Star Triangle, 2.6 number Triangle, 2.8 spaces And Numbers,  
4. Videos for loop, nested loops

Discussion Sections meet
2/1 2/2
Topic 6: loops, figures, constants
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 2.4 and 2.5
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 2 numbers 27 and 28.
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 2.3 fibonacci, 2.10 numbers Output 60,  2.15 print design, 2.16 Slash Figure, 2.17 Slash Figure 2
4. Video: complex figure


Topic 7: parameters
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 3.1
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 3 numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10.
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 3.1 print Numbers, 3.2 print Powers of Two, 3.3 print Powers of N, 3.14 Cylinder Surface Area
4. Video: parameter mystery

Discussion Sections meet

2/8 2/9
Topic 8: Graphics
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read all of chapter 3G.
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 3G numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.
3. Video: basic drawing
4. Suggested Practice It exercises: 3G.1: MickeyBox,  3G.5: ShowDesign

Program 2 due by 11 pm
Topic 9: More Graphics
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read all of chapter 3G.
2. Video: parameterized drawing
3. 4. Suggested Practice It exercises: 3G.7: Squares , 3G.12: Triangle

Topic 10: return values, Math methods
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 3.1 - 3.3
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 3 numbers 13, 14
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 3.8: parameterMysteryTouch , 3.13: mathExpressions

Discussion Sections meet

2/15 2/16
Topic 11: Scanner, conditional execution, if-else
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 3.3, 4.1
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 3 numbers 12, 15, 16, 17, Chapter 4, number 2.
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 3.4: printSquare , 3.8: quadratic , 3.11: distance

Program 3 due by 11 pm
Topic 12: more if/else, cumulative algorithms, printf
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 4.1 - 4.5
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 4 numbers 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 4.2: logicExpressions1 , 4.2: repl , 4.3 season, 4.8: smallestLargest , 4.12 print Triangle Type, 4.19: quadrant
4. Videos nested if/else, factoring if/else

Topic 13: Procedural design and Strings
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 3.4 and 4.5
2. Suggested Practice It exercises. 3.17 Pad String,  3.18 Vertical, 4.11 Longest Name,  4.20 Char Mystery
3. Video: cumulative sum

Discussion Sections meet
2/22 2/23
Topic 13 continued

1. Read sections 3.3, 4.3
2. Suggested Practice It exercises: 3.19: printReverse, 4.17: stutter, 4.18: wordCount

Exam 1 tonight approx. 6:45 - 9:15 pm, location WEL 1.316, topics 1 - 12

No lab hours today
Topic 14: while loops, loop patterns
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 5.1, 5.2
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 5 numbers 1, 2, 3, 13
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 5.4: whileLoopMystery2 , 5.14: logicExpressions2 ,  5.3: toBinary , 5.7: diceSum, 5.12: printAverage
4. Video: sentinel loops

No lab hours today

Perusall Reading 3 due by 11 pm

Topic 15: Random numbers
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 5.1, 5.6
2. Suggested Exercise (NOT the Self-Check Problems): Chapter 5 number 3
3. Suggested Practice It exercise: 5.4: randomX , 5.8: randomWalk
4. Video: random numbers

No Discussion Sections Today
3/1 3/2
Topic 16: Boolean logic
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 5.3, 5.4
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 5 numbers 18, 19, 22, 24, 26
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 5.2: gcd , 5.13: consecutive,  5.17: monthApart, 5.18 digitSum, 5.24 isAllVowels
4. Video: Boolean Logic

Program 4 due by 11 pm
Topic 17: Assertions - Analyzing Programs
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read section 5.5
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 5 numbers 1, 27, 28, 29
2. Video: assertions

Perusall Reading 4 due by 11 pm

Topic 18: File input, tokens
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 6.1, 6.2, 5.4
2. Video: token-based processing
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 6.2: evenNumbers , 6.3: negativeSum, 6.4 count coins

Review Exam 1 in section

3/8 3/9
Topic 19: More file input
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 6.3
2. Video: line-based processing
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 6.6: readEntireFile , 6.9: wordWrap

Program 6 due by 11 pm
Topic 20: Advanced file input, file output
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 6.4 and 6.5
2. Video: Complex File Processing
3. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 6 numbers 12, 13, 14, 15 and Exercises 2 and 9.
4. Suggested Practice It exercise 6.8: doubleSpace , 6.12: stripHtmlTags , 6.14: printDuplicates

3/14 Spring Break 3/15 3/16 Spring Break 3/17 3/18 Spring Break
Topic 21: arrays
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read Section 7.1 from the textbook.
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 7 numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
3. Suggested Practice It exercise: 7.1: lastIndexOf , 7.2: range , 7.4: isSorted

Discussion Sections meet

3/22 3/23
Topic 22: more arrays, arrays as parameters, reference semantics
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 7.1 - 7.3
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 7 numbers 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16
3.Suggested Practice It exercises: 7.5: mode , 7.6: stdev , 7.9: minGap
4. Videos: array simulation, array traversal

Program 7 due by 11 pm
Topic 23: tallying, text processing
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 4.3, 7.7
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 7 numbers 17, 20, and 22.
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 7.10: percentEven , 7.11: isUnique,  7.13: longestSortedSequence
4. Video: array tallying

Perusall Reading 5 due by 11 pm

Topic 24: Sorting and Searching arrays
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read section 13.3
2. Suggested Practice It exercise: 7.16 append, 7.18 evenBeforeOdd, 7.19 wordLengths
3. Read the Wikipedia article on selection sort. (You can stop after Section 2 - Implementation)

Discussion Sections meet

3/29 3/30
Topic 25: More array algorithms
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 7.4 and 7.7
2. Suggested Practice It exercises: 7.14: contains, 7.15: collapse
3. Video: array shifting

Program 8 due by 11 pm
Topic 26 2d arrays
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read section 7.5 and 7.6
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 7 numbers 31, 33
3. Read the Wikipedia article on Conway's Game of Life (You can stop after Section 2 - Origins)
4. Jon Conway describes the Game of Life.1. Suggested Practice It problems: 7.20: matrixAdd

Topic 26 continued
Suggested Practice It problems: 7.21 isMagicSquare

Discussion Sections meet

4/5 4/6
Catch up day - Review for exam 2 time permitting.
Exam 2 tonight approx. 6:45 - 9:15 pm, location WEL 1.308, topics 1 - 25



No Help hours today
Topic 27: classes and objects, state and behavior
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 8.1 - 8.2
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 8 numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Exercises 1 and 2.
3. Video: Defining a class
4. Suggested Practice It exercises: 8.1 quadrantPoint, 8.3: manhattanDistancePoint, 8.4: isVertical

No Help hours today

Topic 28: object behavior, methods
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 8.2 - 8.3
2. Suggested Practice It exercises: 8.5: slopePoint, 8.6: isCollinearPoiint, 8.7: addTimeSpan

No discussion sections today
4/12 4/13
Topic 29: constructors, encapsulation
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 8.3 - 8.5
2. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 8 numbers 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16
3. Videos: constructors, encapsulation

Program 9 due by 11 pm
Topic 30 creating classes case study, cards and decks, Java Enums - No slides for this topic

1. Read Appendix C, Enumerations: Enums, pages 1175 - 1176

Perusall Reading 6 due by 11 pm

Topic 30 continued
Exam 2 returned in section
Topic 31: Inheritance, extends, override, super
Slides: PPT, PDF

1. Read sections 9.1, 9.2
2. Video inheritance
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 9.4 inheritanceVariableSyntax, 9.1: Marketer, 9.3: HarvardLawyer

Program 10 due by 11 pm
Assignment 11 introduction, critters
Slides: PPT, PDF
Topic 32: Polymorphism and interfaces
Slides: PPT, PDF

1. Read sections 9.3 - 9.6, 10.2
2. Video: polymorphism
3. Suggested Self-Check Problems: Chapter 9 numbers 14, 15, 16.
4. Suggested Practice It exercises: 9.4: MonsterTruck, 9.9: MinMaxAccount, 9.11: FilteredAccount

Discussion Sections meet

Topic 33: ArrayLists
Slides: PPT, PDF, PDF for printing

1. Read sections 10.1, 10.3
2. Video: ArrayList Remove
3. Suggested Practice It exercises: 10.2: swapPairs , 10.3: removeEvenLength , 10.6: minToFront

Program 11 due by 11 pm
Topic 33 continued

1. Suggested Practice It exercises: 10.7: removeDuplicates , 10.17: interleave

Catch up day - review for Exam 3

Discussion Sections meet

Exam 3
6:45 - 9:15 pm, location WEL 1.316,
Topics 1 - 33

Topic 34, Introduction to Recursion
1. Read sections 12.1 - 12.5, and  13.3
2. Suggested Practice It exercise: 12.3: mystery1, 12.4:  12.4: mystery2, 12.6: mysteryXY, 12.15 mystery6, 12.1 starString, 12.3 writeSequence, 12.12 isReverse, 12.18 waysToClimb


Catch up day

Program 12 due by 11 pm, No slip days may be used on assignment 12.

eCIS and TA Survey Extra Credit due by 11:45 pm

All slides for viewing (PDF format)

All slides for printing - 4 slides per page (PDF format)