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TXCS Alumna Barbara Jones Creates Tech Company Prioritizing a Diverse Work Environment

TXCS alumna Barbara Jones

09/14/2020 - Barbara Jones is no stranger to perseverance: the Texas Computer Science (TXCS) alumna, who graduated from the university in 1998, earned her degree at a time where “there were probably four Black people in the whole computer science department.” With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, Jones has witnessed massive shifts in how the world grapples with diversity, new technologies, and how businesses operate.

UT Austin Selected as Home of National AI Institute Focused on Machine Learning

Image from Philipp Krähenbühl's Object Detection Research

08/26/2020 - The National Science Foundation has selected The University of Texas at Austin to lead NSF AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning, bolstering the university’s existing strengths in this emerging field. Machine learning is the technology that drives AI systems, enabling them to acquire knowledge and make predictions in complex environments. This technology has the potential to transform everything from transportation to entertainment to health care.

Undergraduate Experience Prepares Alumnus to Launch Startup

Denis Ignatovich (right) and Grant Passmore, co-founders of Imandra

05/26/2020 - On August 1, 2012, the global financial services firm Knight Capital, which was at the time the largest trader in U.S. equities, lost $460 million due to a “technology breakdown.” One of their trading servers housed defective code, causing the group irreparable damage. Almost exactly a year later, a Goldman Sachs computer glitch resulted in a number of erroneous trades, resulting in a loss of over $100 million for the company.

Texas CS Alumnus Joins the Race to Build Self-Driving Trucks

01/23/2020 - The race to build the best autonomous cargo vehicle is heating up, indicating big developments for the $700 billion U.S. trucking market. With the rise of e-commerce comes the accompanying need for more efficiently delivered goods, a demand that the transportation industry is not currently equipped to cope with. Self-driving trucks could solve this problem by simultaneously decreasing the cost and increasing the safety of freight transport.

Forest Baskett Earns Hall of Honor Distinguished Alumni Award

Forest Baskett

10/21/2019 - We are proud to announce that Texas Computer Science alum Dr. Forest Baskett was selected for induction into the College of Natural Sciences' Hall of Honor. He earned the Hall of Honor Distinguished Alumni Award for demonstrating pride and involvement in the university while also providing indispensable contributions to his profession.

Alumni in the News: Farnam Jahanian Becomes New President of Carnegie Mellon

Farnam Jahanian

11/08/2018 - Texas alumnus Farnam Jahanian became Carnegie Mellon University’s new president this past month on October 26th. He is a nationally recognized computer scientist, successful entrepreneur, and leader in higher education. Jahanian received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently a fellow of a number of prestigious academic groups including the Association for Computing Machinery, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Major Quantum Computing Advance Made Obsolete by UT Grad

07/31/2018 - Ewin Tang, a 2018 University of Texas at Austin graduate in computer science and mathematics, is receiving national attention for a feat accomplished at the age of 18 by disproving, as part of an honors thesis, a widely held assumption about the hottest next-thing in technology, quantum computing. ​As Quanta magazine explains in an article out today, Tang's accomplishment involved showing that ordinary computers could, in fact, solve a pro