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Alumni Reconnect: Russ Gayle (BS 2003)

Alumni Reconnect: Russ Gayle (BS 2003)

04/30/2012 - One of the challenges of working as a computer scientist and engineer at Sandia National Laboratories is to not be distracted by the breadth of innovative work that goes on. In any given week, I am exposed to topics and research in network and computer security, robotics, and exascale computing, to name a few.

UTCS Alum Awarded NSF EAPSI Fellowship

03/31/2012 - UTCS alum Paul Taele has been awarded an NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) fellowship for 2012. Paul will carry out research in beyond-surface sketch recognition and interaction techniques in Taipei, Taiwan, with Dr. Mike Chen in the Mobile, Social & HCI Research Lab at National Taiwan University.

Alumnus Receives NSF Grant for Early Career Development

02/15/2012 - UTCS alumnus Dr. Donald Porter has been selected to receive the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program award, an award that recognizes promising young faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholar through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of both education and research.

First Annual (Re)Connect Event


02/07/2012 - (Re)Connect, an evening networking reception, brought together UTCS alumni, select UTCS students and FoCS partners on February 1, 2012 for an energetic and effective recruiting, mentoring and networking opportunity at the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center.

Alumni Reconnect: Who Wants a Brick?

Alumni Reconnect: Who Wants a Brick?

01/25/2012 - As many of you know, Taylor Hall has been demolished to make way for the new Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex, due to open in December 2012. Original bricks from UTCS's old home, Taylor Hall, have been salvaged, mortar and all!