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Graduate Students

2016 UTCS Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony

06/29/2016 - UTCS honored new Ph.D. graduates at its annual hooding ceremony on Friday, May 20. Each new graduate received a short testimonial from his or her graduate research advisor. The new doctors were then hooded by UTCS Chair Bruce Porter. Afterwards, a reception was held for graduates, faculty, friends and family. Click the button below to view high resolution copies of the photo gallery images on this page. We invite you to also upload pictures you have from the event. View the 2016 Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony Video!

New Method of Producing Random Numbers Could Improve Cybersecurity

05/16/2016 - With an advance that one cryptography expert called a "masterpiece," University of Texas at Austin computer scientists have developed a new method for producing truly random numbers, a breakthrough that could be used to encrypt data, make electronic voting more secure, conduct statistically significant polls and more accurately simulate complex systems such as Earth's climate.

UT Austin Villa Wins RoboCup 2015

07/24/2015 - The Austin Villa Robot Soccer Team participated in two competitions in the RoboCup 2015 competition in Hefei, China: the Standard Platform League (SPL) and the 3D simulation league.

Risto Miikkulainen and Jacob Schrum Win Best Paper Award

07/20/2015 - Jacob Schrum and Risto Miikkulainen won the Best Paper Award in the Digital Entertainment and Arts track at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO). 2015 Conference for their paper on "Solving Interleaved and Blended Sequential Decision-Making Problems through Modular Neuroevolution."

Wesley Tansey Selected as a 2014 KPCB Engineering Fellow

04/09/2014 - Wesley Tansey, a UTCS Graduate Student, was selected as a 2014 KPCB Engineering Fellow. Throught the KPCB Fellows Program, Wesley will have an opportunity to gain significant experience working on uniquely challenging technical, design and product problems while also developing new relationships that are meaningful to his career. He will also attend private events hosted by portfolio companies where he can meet talented engineering and design icons from across Silicon Valley. Wesley will be working with MyFitnessPal this summer.

2014 FoCS Career Night

02/01/2014 - The 2014 Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) Career Night was held on January 29 in the Atrium of the Bill and Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall.