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Graduate Students

2011 UTCS Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony

2011 UTCS Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony

05/25/2011 - UTCS honored new Ph.D. graduates at its annual hooding ceremony. Each new graduate received a short testimonial from his or her graduate research advisor. The new doctors were then hooded by UTCS Professor Lorenzo Alvisi. Afterwards, a reception was held for graduates, faculty, friends and family.

Computer claims responsibility for terrorist bombing

05/06/2011 - In a bid to help understand the way that the human brain malfunctions to cause mental illness scientists have caused a computer system to lose its mind and claim responsibilty for a terrorist bombing. The team at the University of Texas and Yale University, including Professor Risto Miikkulainen and grad student Uli Grasemann, were looking to how the human brain is affected with schizophrenia by simulating a hypothesis that excessive dopamine in the brain can cause “exaggerated salience”, whereby the brain is learning from things it shouldn’t.

Good Bytes and Good Luck!

05/06/2011 - The Department of Computer Science congratulates its graduating students of 2011. We wished them “Good Bytes and Good Luck” with a graduation celebration catered by Austin’s own Amy’s Ice Cream.

The Department of Computer Science Congratulates Students Elected to Phi Beta Kappa

04/18/2011 - The Department of Computer Science congratulates the 22 computer science majors who were recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa at its Spring meeting. Upon joining, they will be inducted into the national honor society at the UT chapter's Spring reception on Sunday, May 8, in the in the Ballroom of the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center.

The Challenge: Start a Tech Company in 3 Days

04/03/2011 - How many times have you or one of your friends had a really great idea for a tech startup, but never implemented it? Maybe there wasn’t enough money, any access to people with complementary skills, or not enough confidence to get it off the ground. 3-Day Startup (3DS) provides the opportunity to pitch that idea to a panel of potential investors, release a prototypeand build enough momentum to sustain a startup company outside the event.

GradFest Open House 2011

02/25/2011 - The Department of Computer Science hosted prospective Ph.D. students at GradFest 2011, a two-day exploration of UTCS research, resources, and community. Over 20 admitted students attended panel discussions, toured labs, and met with faculty one-on-one. Current graduate students hosted the out-of-towners in their own homes for a real look at life as a UTCS grad student.

2011 Scholarship Lunch

02/02/2011 - The Department of Computer Science (CS) recognized scholarship recipients, scholarship donors, and Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) members with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on February 2, 2011.

FoCS Career Brunch 2010

09/21/2010 - The 2010 Career Brunch was held in conjunction with the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Career Expo on September 20, 2010 at the Frank Erwin Center.

2010 UTCS Hooding Ceremony

06/04/2010 - UTCS honored new Ph.D. graduates at its annual hooding ceremony. Each new graduate received a short testimonial from his or her graduate research advisor. The new doctors were then hooded by UTCS Chair Bruce Porter. Afterwards, a reception was held for graduates, faculty, friends and family.

2010 Scholarship Lunch

02/03/2010 - The Department of Computer Sciences (CS) recognized scholarship recipients,scholarship donors, and Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) members with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on February 3, 2010. We appreciate the generosity of families and friends who have named scholarships in honor of a loved one and the generosity of our corporate donors. UTCS Scholarship Donors Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) members, are denoted in bold.