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Graduate Students

Protecting Privacy

Innovation Series: Protecting Privacy

10/16/2009 - With so much information being shared online these days, it’s critical that much of it remains private and anonymous. We trust, for example, that social networking sites such as Facebook remove personally identifiable information when they share our preferences and desires with advertisers. Vitaly Shmatikov, a young, fast-talking associate professor of computer science studies privacy in ubiquitous data sharing systems, from Facebook to hospitals to Netflix.

2009 UTCS Hooding Ceremony

05/22/2009 - UTCS honored this year's Ph.D. graduates with its first annual hooding ceremony. Chair J Moore, clad in ceremonial kilt, performed the hooding. Graduate research advisers spoke of each graduate's special traits and accomplishments. Afterwards, a reception was held for graduates, faculty, friends and family.

2009 Scholarship Lunch

02/12/2009 - The Department of Computer Sciences (CS) recognized scholarship recipients, scholarship donors, and Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) members with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on February 12, 2009.

Grace Hopper 2008

10/04/2008 - The 2008 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference was held in Keystone, Colorado from October 1-4. Thirteen undergraduate and graduate women and two representatives from the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin were able to attend the event thanks to corporate sponsors Lockheed Martin and Yahoo! and UTCS Faculty sponsors James C. Browne and Michael H. Walfish.

FoCS Career Brunch 2008

09/22/2008 - The University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Sciences (UTCS) Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) 2008 Career Brunch was held in conjunction with the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Career Expo on September 22, 2008 at the Frank Erwin Center.

2008 Scholarship Lunch

03/04/2008 - The Department of Computer Sciences (CS) recognized scholarship donors, Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) members, and scholarship recipients with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on February 14, 2008.

2007 Scholarship Lunch

02/14/2007 - The Department of Computer Sciences (CS) recognized scholarship donors, Friends of Computer Sciences (FoCS) members, and scholarship recipients with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on February 14, 2007.