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Five UTCS students won the student cluster overall competition at the international SC conference for the second year in a row! Read More
Associate Professor Lili Qiu has been recognized as one of the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) 2013 Distinguished Scientists. Her research focus is on internet and wireless networking. Qiu's current projects include Wireless Network Management, MIMO, and Content Distribution in Mobile Networks. Read More
The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin, along with technology partners Hewlett-Packard and NVIDIA, today announced that in January 2014 they will deploy Maverick, a powerful, high-performance visualization and data analytics resource for the open science and engineering community. Read More
A team of researchers at Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and the University of Texas at Austin are working together to develop new statistical tools that can find clues about cancer that are hidden like needles in enormous haystacks of raw data. Read More
College students tend to define themselves by their majors, but they need to realize that what they study isn’t a binding contract spelling out what skills they can and cannot develop before graduation. Read More
Visions of Computer Lecture Series 2013
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, UT Computer Science held the annual Visions of Computing Lecture, a lecture series honoring UTCS faculty accomplishments. Through this lecture series, faculty presented insights into computer science research and education to the public and the computing community. Read More
The University of Texas at Austin’s Game Development Program hosted its Fall Career PowerUp (CPU) Mixer on October 25, 2013 at The Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall (GDC). The CPU Mixer brought together the Game Development Program’s industry partners and select students interested in careers and internships in the game industry to network in an energetic recruiting venue. Read More
Joh Donahoe, CEO of eBay, Inc. with Bruce Porter, Chair of UTCS
eBay, Inc. CEO, John Donahoe paid a visit to the University of Texas last Thursday as an installment of the VIP lecture series, co-hosted by UT Computer Science and the McCombs School of Business. eBay is a company that has experienced a significant turnaround under Donahoe’s leadership. Its fast-growing Austin office now numbers 600 employees, most of whom are in the company’s PayPal division. Read More
During the last weekend of September, the Electronic Game Developers Society (EGaDS), a student-run organization, and The University of Texas at Austin’s Game Development Program hosted the annual 24-hour Game Jam. More than 70 students came together on September 27th in a competition to create an entirely new game from this year’s randomly selected theme of “redundant” in only 24-hours at The Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall (GDC). Read More
The National Science Foundation has recognized two Baylor College of Medicine researchers, along with a researcher from The University of Texas at Austin, with a collaborative research award that is a joint initiative between the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences and National Institute of General Medical Sciences to support research at the interface of the biological and mathematical sciences. Read More