Research Summary
My research takes a broad approach to increasing programmer productivity
by improving system performance, correctness, and ease of programming.
This approach is not constrained by system boundaries, as I have done
work in languages, compilers, and micro-architecture. In particular,
I have designed new languages, introduced the notion of library-level
analysis and optimization, invented new pointer analysis algorithms,
and developed new micro-architectural techniques for improving branch
prediction and memory system performance.
Indeed, one theme of my work is to increase information flow across
system boundaries, including the boundaries between the programmer &
machine, library & compiler, compiler & branch predictor, pointer analysis &
pointer analysis client, and CPU & DRAM. At the same time, another theme is
to encapsulate powerful mechanisms to make them more usable. For example,
the Broadway compiler encapsulates sophisticated static analysis mechanisms
to provide compiler support to software libraries, and my vision of Turnkey
Pointer Analysis encapsulates both pointer analysis algorithms and policies
in the hopes of making pointer analysis vastly simpler to use.
From the perspective of the system stack, my projects can be listed as
The remainder of this page describes these projects in reverse chronological
order, with active projects listed first.
Turnkey Pointer Analysis
Pointer analysis is an enabling technology for many program analyses and
transformations. Our near-term goal is to qualitatively increase the
efficiency of various dimensions of pointer analysis: (1) We have made
inclusion-based analysis 4 times faster while using 7 times less memory;
(2) we have increased the scalability of flow-sensitive pointer analysis
by two orders of magnitude, from tens of thousands of lines of C to 1.9
million lines of C; (3) we believe that context-sensitive pointer analysis
can be improved using similar techniques.
Our larger vision is to make pointer analysis substantially easier to use,
transforming pointer analysis from a black art practiced by few to a turnkey
technology used by everyone. Currently, sophisticated pointer analyses are
rarely used. Not only are they difficult to implement and debug, but it
is difficult to know which algorithm to use for any given situation, as the
decision can be affected by the source language, by the particular program
to be analyzed, and by the imperfectly understood precision requirements
of the client, ie, the analysis that uses the pointer information.
To fulfill our vision, we plan to significantly rethink our earlier work on
Client-Driven pointer analysis, which provides an adaptive method of applying
extra precision in the pointer analysis to those parts of the program that
require it, as driven by the specific client analysis. However,
Client-Driven pointer analysis is limited in the types of pointer analysis
algorithms that can be employed, so it has limited scalability. Our new
approach will require a new algorithmic framework that customizes the
pointer analysis algorithm, customizes the interface between the client
and the pointer analysis, and may even customize the representation of
the pointer information itself--and performs this customization
Our optimizations for inclusion-based pointer analysis have been
incorporated into the gcc and LLVM compilers, and our techniques have
helped Semantic Designs, Inc.
significantly improve the scalability of their industrial strength software
engineering tools.
Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis for Millions of Lines of Code
with B. Hardekopf
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization,
2011, pp. 289--298.
(Best Paper Award)
Semi-Sparse Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis
with Ben Hardekopf
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
2009, pp. 226-238.
Exploiting Pointer and Location Equivalence to Optimize Pointer
with Ben Hardekopf
Static Analysis Symposium
August, 2007, pp. 265-280.
The Ant and the Grasshopper: Fast and Accurate Pointer Analysis
for Millions of Lines of Code
with Ben Hardekopf
Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation,
June, 2007, pp. 290-299.
(Best Paper Award)
Efficient Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Data-flow Analysis in the Presence
of Pointers
with Teck Bok Tok and Samuel Z. Guyer
Compiler Construction.
Springer-Verlag LNCS 3923, 2006, pp. 17-31.
Client-Driven Pointer Analysis
with S. Guyer
10th Annual International Static Analysis Symposium.
June, 2003. pp. 214-236.
Project Page:
Ben Hardekopf's home page for downloads
Samuel Guyer,
Ben Hardekopf,
Teck Bok Tok,
Jia Chen
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Domain-Specific Compilation:
The Broadway Compiler
Programmers typically reason at a higher level of abstraction than is
provided by any particular general purpose programming language, such as C
or Java. The Broadway project seeks to raise the level of abstraction at
which compilers and tools operate. By matching the programmer's level
of abstraction-- and in particular by incorporating domain-specific
information-- such tools can greatly improve programmer productivity.
This project currently focuses on making existing and future libraries
more usable, more efficient, and more portable. Our Broadway Compiler is
a C compiler that can be configured with domain-specific information to
optimize and analyze the use and implementation of software libraries.
The key is a simple annotation language that can express domain-specific
information which cannot be inferred through conventional static analysis.
Our approach provides a separation of concerns that shields the application
programmer from the annotations and that allows programmers to use simple,
clean interfaces.
The Broadway system has many uses:
- We have shown how Broadway can essentially match guru-optimized programs
that are written using the PLAPACK parallel linear algebra library.
- We have used the same compiler and annotation language to detect
errors and security vulnerabilities in C programs that use the Standard C
library, producing significantly lower false-positive rates than competing
- We have used Broadway to translate untrusted C programs into programs
that dynamically enforce annotation-specified security policies. When used
to perform taint analysis, our system has orders of magnitude less overhead
than previous systems because its deep static analysis can dramatically
reduce the amount of dynamic instrumentation that is necessary.
- We are currently extending Broadway to introduce a new type of
software test input generation which we refer to as targeted
test generation and which we believe will significantly increase the
scalability of automated test generation systems.
- We are currently extending Broadway to help create and tune parallel
Efficient and Extensible Security Enforcement Using Dynamic
Data Flow Analysis
with Walter Chang and Brandon Streiff
Computer and Communications Security,
2008, pp. 39-50.
Error Checking with Client-Driven Pointer Analysis
with S. Guyer
Science of Computer Programming Journal,
vol 58, 2005, pp. 83--114.
Broadway: A Compiler for Exploiting the Domain-Specific Semantics of Software
with S. Guyer
Proceedings of the IEEE,
Special issue on program generation, optimization, and adaptation.
93(2), 2005, pp. 342-357.
- Incorporating Domain-Specific
Information into the Compilation Process.
S. Guyer
PhD Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, April, 2003.
Detecting Errors with Configurable Whole-Program Dataflow Analysis
with E. Berger and S. Guyer
UTCS TR-02-04,
February, 2002.
Optimizing the Use of High Performance Software Libraries
with S. Guyer
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing.
S. Midkiff, J. Moreira, M. Gupta, S. Chatterjee, J. Ferrante, J. Prins, W.
Pugh, and C. Tseng eds. Springer-Verlag 2002, pp. 227-243.
Customizing Software Libraries for Performance Portability
with E. Berger and S. Guyer
10th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific
March, 2001.
Broadway: A Software Architecture for Scientific Computing
with S. Guyer
The Architecture of Scientific Software,
R.F. Boisvert and P.T.P. Tang, editors,
Kluwer Academic Press, 2000, pp. 175-192.
An Annotation Language for Optimizing Software Libraries
with S. Guyer
Second Conference on Domain Specific Languages.
October, 1999.
pp. 39-53
Samuel Guyer,
Walter Chang
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Improving Memory System Performance
As both CPUs and DRAM have become increasingly complex parallel systems,
it makes sense to revisit the interface between these two systems, namely,
the memory controller. This project explores novel techniques for making
small changes to the memory controller to improve memory system bandwidth,
to reduce DRAM latency through prefetching, and to improve energy efficiency.
Back to the Future: Leveraging Belady's
Algorithm for Improved Cache Replacement
with A. Jain
43th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA),
(Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention)
Linearizing Irregular Memory Accesses
for Improved Correlated Prefetching
with A. Jain
46th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (Micro),
(Finalist, Best Paper Award)
Feedback Mechanisms for Improving Probabilistic Memory Prefetching,
with Ibrahim Hur
International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture,
February 2009, pp. 443-454.
A Comprehensive Approach to DRAM Power Management
with Ibrahim Hur
International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture,
February, 2008, pp. 305-316.
(Finalist, Best Paper Award)
Memory Scheduling for Modern Microprocessors
with I. Hur
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,
25(4), December, 2007, pp. 10-46.
Memory Prefetching Using Adaptive Stream Detection
with Ibrahim Hur
39th International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
December, 2006, pp. 397-408.
(Finalist, Best Paper Award)
Adaptive History-Based Memory Schedulers for Modern
with I. Hur
IEEE Micro "Top picks issue,"
vol 26(1), 2006, pp. 22-29.
Adaptive History-Based Memory Schedulers
with Ibrahim Hur
37th International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
December, 2004, pp. 343-354.
(Best Paper Award)
- Modeling the Cache Effects of
Interprocessor Communication
with I. Hur
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS'99).
November, 1999, pp. 938-943.
Akanksha Jain,
Hao Wu,
Curtis Dunham,
Ibrahim Hur
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Branch Prediction for Future Technologies
This project studies dynamic branch prediction with a focus on the
constraints of future technologies in which latencies within a chip become
increasingly significant. Such environments present a tradeoff between
branch predictor accuracy and predictor delay: Complex predictors with
large tables can achieve high accuracy, which would usually increase IPC,
but large tables lead to either multiple cycle access or to limits on
clock rate, both of which reduce IPC. We have studied various mechanisms
for dealing with this tradeoff between delay and accuracy:
- Hierarchical predictor organizations
- Neural systems that replace two-bit counters
- Techniques that shift much of the burden of branch prediction to the
compiler, including a novel way of encoding in each branch instruction a
boolean function that removes the tables altogether
Our most influential work has been the introduction of the Perceptron
predictor, which has led to a flurry of new neural-based branch predictors.
Daniel Jiménez,
Heather Hanson,
Stephen W.
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Component-Based Programming with Java Layers
This project aims to simplify the creation and maintenance of large, complex
software, particularly families of related software versions. Java Layers
(JL) is a language that accomplishes this goal by extending Java in three
- JL lets users trivially create applications from components by
writing simple type equations.
- JL provides a simple mechanism for creating components. These
components, or layers,are a type of Java class that obey
certain restrictions on their interfaces.
- JL allows programmers to specify design rules, which provide
semantic constraints about how layers can be meaningfully composed.
We have evaluated our Java Layers compiler by using it to build a family of
Widget libraries for diverse platforms that include a PC, PalmOS, and cell
phones. A key scientific question is whether a domain-independent language
such as JL can achieve the same level of performance as domain-specific
languages, which can hard-code domain-specific optimizations into
their compilers. Thus, an open question is whether domain-specific
information can be cleanly specified and passed to the JL compiler.
JL is an instance of Batory's Feature-Oriented model of software generators.
For more information on this model, see Don Batory's
research page.
Using Mixin Technology To Improve Modularity
with R. Cardone
Aspect-Oriented Software Development,
Mehmet Aksit, Siobhan Clarke, Tzilla Elrad, and Richard Filman, eds.
Addison-Wesley, 2003. pp. 219--242.
- Language and Compiler Support for
Mixin Programming.
R. Cardone
Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Sciences. April, 2002.
Using Mixins to Build Flexible Widgets
with R. Cardone, A. Brown, and S. McDirmid
1st International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software
April, 2002. pp. 76-85.
Comparing Layered Refinement and Frameworks
with R. Cardone
23rd Int'l Conference on Software Engineering.
May, 2001. pp. 285-294.
Project Page:
Java Layers home page
Rich Cardone,
Adam Brown
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C-Breeze Compiler Infrastructure
C-Breeze is a compiler infrastructure that's intended to be small and easy
to use, both as a teaching tool and a research tool (the Broadway compiler
is built on top of C-Breeze). C-Breeze is currently a source-to-source
translator for ANSI C (ISO 9899), but we are in the process of retargetting
the compiler to the LLVM infrastructure so that we can support C++.
C-Breeze is written in C++ and is organized as a series of phases. Phases
are provided to parse source code into an AST, to dismantle the AST to a low
level intermediate representation, to build a control flow graph, and to
convert to SSA form. Various other analysis and optimization phases are
available, such as a context-sensitive interprocedural pointer analysis, PRE
using SSA form, a configurable interprocedural dataflow analysis engine, and
more mundane phases such as liveness analysis and constant propagation. New
phases can be added by using the Visitor design pattern through built-in
phases to traverse and change the AST.
Project Page:
C-Breeze home page
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ZPL Parallel Programming Language
As a postdoc, I led the design and implementation of the ZPL programming
language until 1996. ZPL focuses on arrays as a source of data parallelism.
Its key goals are (1) to provide a language that allows programmers to
reason-- at a coarse level-- about performance in a machine-independent
manner, and (2) to simplify programming effort through concise and
expressive syntax. A key design principle was to omit features, such as
direct array indexing, that are at odds with the language goals.
ZPL's convenience and conciseness have influenced the design of two prominent
parallel languages that emphasize programmer productivity, namely,
X10, which are being developed by Cray and IBM, respectively.
ZPL: A Machine Independent Programming
Language for Parallel Computers
with B. Chamberlain, S. Choi, E. Lewis, L. Snyder, and W. Weathersby
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 26(3), March 2000.
Special Issue on Architecture-Independent
Languages and Software Tools for Parallel Processing.
pp. 197-211.
- Regions: An Abstraction for Expressing
Array Computation
with B. Chamberlain, E. Lewis, and L. Snyder
ACM International Conference on Array Programming Languages,
August, 1999, pp. 41-49.
- The Case for High Level Parallel
Programming in ZPL
with B. Chamberlain, S. Choi, E. Lewis, L. Snyder, and W. Weathersby
IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, 5(3), July-September
1998, pp. 76-86.
- Abstractions for Portable, Scalable
Parallel Programming
with G. Alverson, W. Griswold, D. Notkin and L. Snyder
IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 9(1), 1998,
pp. 1-17.
- The Implementation and Evaluation of
Fusion and Contraction in Array Languages
with E Lewis and L. Snyder
1998 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and
Implementation, Montreal, June 1998, pp 50-59.
- ZPL's WYSIWYG Performance Model
with B. Chamberlain, S. Choi, E Lewis, L. Snyder and W. Weathersby
Third International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming
Models and Suportive Environments, Orlando, March 1998, pp. 50-61.
- Factor-Join: A Unique Approach to
Compiling Array Languages for Parallel Machines
with B. Chamberlain, S. Choi, E. Lewis, L. Snyder, and W. Weathersby
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, D. Sehr, U.
Banerjee, D. Gelernter, A. Nicolau and D. Padua eds., Springer-Verlag 1996,
pp. 481-500.
- The Portable Parallel Implementation
of Two Novel Mathematical Biology Algorithms in ZPL
with M. D. Dikaiakos, D. Manoussaki, and D. Woodward
9th Int'l Conf. on Supercomputing, Barcelona, 1995, pp. 365-374.
- A Portable Parallel N-Body Solver
with E. Lewis, L. Snyder and G. Turkiyyah
Proceedings of the 7th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, San Francisco, 1995, pp 231-236.
- SIMPLE Performance Results in ZPL
with L. Snyder
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, K. Pingali, U.
Banerjee, D. Gelernter, A. Nicolau and D. Padua eds., Springer-Verlag 1994,
pp. 361-375.
- ZPL: An Array Sublanguage
with L. Snyder
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, U. Banerjee, D.
Gelernter, A. Nicolau and D. Padua eds., Springer-Verlag 1994, pp. 96-11.
- A Portable Implementation of SIMPLE
with Lawrence Snyder
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 20(5), 1991, pp.
- A Comparison of Programming Models for Shared Memory
with Lawrence Snyder
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel
Processing 1990, II:163-170, 1990.
Project Page:
ZPL home page
Brad Chamberlain,
Sung-Eun Choi ,
Steven Deitz ,
George Forman ,
E Lewis ,
Ton Ngo ,
Larry Snyder ,
W. Derrick Weathersby.
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