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Undergraduate Students

FoCS Career Brunch 2012

09/24/2012 - The University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science (UTCS) Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) 2012 Career Brunch was held in conjunction with the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Career Expo on September 24, 2012 at the Frank Erwin Center.

Intern Stories: A Summer at Amazon

07/23/2012 - By Katie Thompson, the Career Design Center Elynn Lee is a Software Development Engineering (SDE) intern at Amazon on the Kindle Reader Framework team. This is her second internship, her first one being at Facebook in Palo Alto, California. She is simultaneously doing research on a SRC-URO fellowship in Computational Epidemiology.

Intern Stories: Facebooking on the Job

07/19/2012 - By Katie Thompson, the Career Design Center Parth Upadhyay is a Software Development Engineering (SDE) intern at Facebook on the Real Time Infrastructure team. This is his second internship. His first internship was at Bloomberg in New York City, New York.

Good Bytes and Good Luck!

05/07/2012 - The Department of Computer Science congratulates its graduating students of 2012. We wished them “Good Bytes and Good Luck” with a graduation celebration catered by Austin’s own Amy’s Ice Cream.

Alumni Reconnect: Russ Gayle (BS 2003)

Alumni Reconnect: Russ Gayle (BS 2003)

04/30/2012 - One of the challenges of working as a computer scientist and engineer at Sandia National Laboratories is to not be distracted by the breadth of innovative work that goes on. In any given week, I am exposed to topics and research in network and computer security, robotics, and exascale computing, to name a few.

First Annual (Re)Connect Event


02/07/2012 - (Re)Connect, an evening networking reception, brought together UTCS alumni, select UTCS students and FoCS partners on February 1, 2012 for an energetic and effective recruiting, mentoring and networking opportunity at the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center.

2012 Scholarship Lunch

02/06/2012 - UTCS recognized scholarship recipients, scholarship donors, and Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) partners with a Scholarship Luncheon at the Alumni Center on February 1, 2012.

Scholarships & Fellowships

Scholarships & Fellowships

01/25/2012 - UTCS is grateful to our scholarship and fellowship donors whose partnerships with the department afford promising and deserving students the opportunity to study at a top-10 ranked department. These companies, foundations and individuals are crucial in enabling UTCS to recruit and retain top students.