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Undergraduate Students

CS Roadshow: Taking CS on the Road to Middle School Students

04/18/2014 - Computer science is one of the fastest-growing majors at UT. This year, we have around 1800 students in the Class of 2017, making computer science one of the largest majors in the College of Natural Science. The problem, though, is that in most cases, middle and high schools don’t actually offer that many CS-related courses. UTCS is trying to change that, however, with CS Roadshow, a program dedicated to educating students all over Austin about computer science.

First Student Led Developer Conference at UT Austin Fills the House

02/12/2014 - The first annual University of MAD (Mobile App. Development organization) was packed to capacity this passed Friday and Saturday. The 15-hour bootcamp-style event was hosted at the University of Texas at Austin’s Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall.

2014 FoCS Career Night

02/01/2014 - The 2014 Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) Career Night was held on January 29 in the Atrium of the Bill and Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall.

CS Entrepreneurs Pioneer the Most Diverse Hackathon in Texas

Hack TX: The Biggest Hackathon in Texas

01/17/2014 - HackTX was put in motion in 2012 by a combination effort of Vivek Karuturi, a CS undergraduate student who co-founded Hacker Lounge, Michael Akilian, a now-graduated EE major, and members++ of the interdisciplinary Technology Entrepreneurship Society.